Mendoza's moment of truth...

In the episode where Zia's dying father tells them of the location of the MCoG...Pedro and Sancho want to sneak off with food to find them...and Mendoza punches the crap out of them, because it was more important to stay and the fight the Olmecs. That was awesome because it showed his true character. It was sort of like, and I know I'll get flamed for this comparison, when Han Solo came back to help Luke destroy the Death Star, when it seemed at first all he cared about was money.


This is indeed a FANTASTIC moment in the series, and truest proof that Mendoza has grown to care for the children deeply during the adventure

The slapping also makes Pedro and Sancho into braver souls and they mildly heroic in the last couple of eps

'Ziggy Piggy'


Yes, so true. Quite unfair that he punches the others instead of himself but a good moment.


I loved that moment too. Having rewatched the whole series recently, I found that Pedro and Sancho were far more annoying than I remembered. I know they're supposed to be comic relief but a lot of their dialogue seemed to consist of:

"could this be the way to the cities of gold?!?!?"
"a-a-a- bu-bu-ba-a-er a CITIES OF GOLD?!"
