Post-Modern Chick Flick?

You know that theory that says that Steel Magnolias is actually a post-modern horror movie? Well, I'd like to present a theory that Serial Killing 4 Dummys is, in fact, a post-modern chick flick. This horror comedy had me going "awwww" as much as it had me laughing and more than it had me cringing at the gore. Justin Urich as Casey Noland is just precious; I've never wanted to snuggle anyone so bad in my life. I actually found myself routing for him: "Come on honey, you can do it, kill the yappy little bastard!" So cute! Now, normally I am a straight-up, blood-and-guts, serial-killer-in-the-shadows horror movie fan and I don't go in for that horror-comedy nonsense. This movie, however, I absolutely loved. I found myself appreciating it on an entirely different level than I appreciate most horror films. If you love horror AND you can appreciate the trials and tribulations of adorable anguished geeky high-school boys who just want to get the (equally adorable geeky goth) girl, rent this movie. So effin' CUTE!


Sigh...You're kidding right?? Is that your kidding face?
*shaking head in disbelief*
