Who remember the massive hype for Revenge of the Sith back in 2005?

Who remembers the massive hype surrounding the release of Revenge of the Sith back in 2005?

I was 10 years old back then and I sure remember it. I remember between April to June of 2005, you couldn't go anywhere without seeing Star Wars merchandise in stores. To this day, the hype for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was the biggest I ever saw and it was the most excited I had ever been for a movie. Shows like Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, and Extra did big specials discussing the release of Episode III. Nickelodeon even did a big Nickexclusive behind the scenes look around the release of the film.

It was on every Coca-Cola/Sprite and any other Coca-Cola product cans and bottles the entire summer. So any time you'd see someone drinking a Coke, it'd have like Mace Windu on it or something lol. Episode III toys were being sold at every Burger King in the country. The Coca-Cola deal alone was monstrous, $2 billion alone for that. M&M's even did a big tie for the film, releasing all kinds of different Star Wars M&M's products. The Force Awakens and Rouge One had a lot of cross promotions, but nothing as large as these deals.

MTV even stopped all their other music videos to do a world premiere of the "A Hero Falls" music video. I remember my radio station did the same (kinda weird having a pop station all of the sudden playing orchestral film music). And this is back when MTV actually played music videos.

They've even made movies about the Episode III hype/release (Fanboys and so on). Revenge of the Sith was huge. The world was a different place in 2005, people were expecting like a ... religious experience, and it was a more innocent time too in many ways.

It was actually somewhat jarring that just 3 years earlier, Attack of the Clones was largely usurped by Spider-Man in that hype category.


It was huge, but the hype for I - the Phantom Menace was bigger, and for good reason--it was the first new Star Wars movie since 1983!


I remember that too :D. Everyone was so excited. My geeky social studies teacher spent 5 hours 1 night downloading a teaser trailer for the movie (remember, this was back when we had phone-line internet, so downloads were extremely slow). What was really funny was, he used 5 minutes of the class to let us see it on his computer, and one of the girls went crazy when she saw Yoda, so I guess she was a Yoda fan ;).

I also remember a few months before the film came out, my family went to see "Star Trek: Insurrection," and that night, the whole theater was filled with college students (don't ask me why *shrugs*). One of the commercials we saw was for "The Phantom Menace," and the moment it finished showing, everyone in the theater cheered and clapped :D. The Star Trek film was also very good, so it was an awesome night.


First Contact or Insurrection? Both excellent movies, but I believe Insurrection was released much closer to Phantom Menace release date.


Sorry, wrong movie.


Dang you're a young one. I remember it well. Good times.

dies ist meine unterschrift


Episode one's was bigger and better. I have alot of good memories thanks to it's hype


The anticipation and lead up to Ep.1 was worth it


There were so many people waiting in lines for the ROTS showings in Burbank on opening day. I happenes to get off early that Friday at 2 and decided I'd go see it. Bought one ticket online, drove over, and walked past everyone with 15 mins before showtime. Had a perfect seat in the middle of the best row. It pays to go alone sometimes


I remember the hype for all 3 movies. I was 12 when "Phantom Menace" came out, 15 when "Attack of the Clones" came out, and 18 when "Revenge of the Sith" was released, so I got to experience all of it. Heck, I even had Queen Amidala stuff all over my room after Episode I came out.


I remember it.

I worked at a Burger King that summer, it was awful. Everyone freaking out like their lives depended on them getting every single toy, and most of them have probably been lost by now anyway.


By Revenge of the Sith, I didn't care. The first two of the prequel trilogy were so uninteresting to me that I didn't bother going to see the third one in theatres.

Now it's deja vu, because I'm seriously weighing the pros and cons of seeing the ninth one when it comes out.


I was so burnt out on Star Wars because of all the publicity and hype around TPM and AOTC, that I never got around to seeing ROTS in the theaters. I got around to watching it on DVD some time later.
