my thoughts of AOTC

I thought this film was ok. There were just a little too many romantic scenes and drama between Anakin and Padme. Anakin was a bit of a whiner and a bunch of his lines were lame. I was glad they had less Jar Jar in this one! That was a plus! Christopher Lee was in this one and that alone made it worth while! The fighting parts and action scenes were better as well this time around. Overall, it was a pretty decent film. It was a little better than Phantom Menace but nowhere near as good at Revenge of the Sith.


Completely agree, if they cut out most of the romance it would've been better.


We needed to see a romantic relationship develop between Anakin and Padme because obviously they are parents to Luke and Leia. Lucas should have asked another decent writer to help him with those scenes. The movie could have been better if we had a stronger love story in this film, akin to Solo and Leia in Episode 5 but probably deeper than that.


revenge is by far the worst.


