Is there a rebuttal of Mr Plinkett's infamous analysis of these things?

I'm sure I saw someone mention that Plinkett's highly critical analysis of the prequels had been successfully torn apart by someone online. I didn't know who Plinkett was at the time but I've since checked out those Red Letter Media videos on youtube. I'm interested to hear the other side of the argument, if there is one.


"Have to say, Jimmy - you turned into a real impressive fighter. If I was ol' Mengsk, I'd be runnin' scared from you, too."
"You really mean that, Tychus?"
"Nah. I was just kiddin'."


Thanks for the link.


I didn't bother reading past the very first line after he talked about his "rebuttle".

What a moron.


No good ones. A lot of fanboys whining that "he just doesn't get George's genius" while so often missing the points made.


It's not a good start when the accusation that there's no protagonist gets this response: 'Anakin is the heart of the film, while Obi-Wan is the brain.'



I want to live in a world where cancer is seen as a nuisance and not a death sentence.


Here it is, the 108 page rebuttal of RLM's criticism of Phantom Menace by JimRaynor:

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Oh god, this thing. A few decent points sprinkled on top of a load of ad hominems and outright bad analysis and excuses. The term "we can assume that" or some variation thereof is used so often it begins to lose meaning. And most of the time, he doesn't actually have good points to back up those assumptions.

Guy is a few supply depots short of a terran base methinks 


If there was one it would definitely not be as funny: it would be just an über-nerd explaining boring and over-complicated things he reads on Wookepedia to rationalize this mess.

There are videos like that on Youtube but no one watches them because no one cares.

What's best in life ?



Actually, they didn't even have go over analyze or dig deep for the lack of quality in these abortions. Not only are they spot on, they are more entertaining the the prequels.


This article refutes some of the points: But some things just can't be defended.
