IMDb poll: Is Force Awakens a remake, soft reboot or homage?

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None of the above.

And seriously, calling it a 'reboot' is retarded. A 'reboot' means that you wipe out all previous continuity and start over from scratch. Does anyone with a brain seriously think that is what The Force Awakens does, declares all previous Star Wars movies non-canon?


No, no, no... the entry says SOFT REBOOT, not just REBOOT.
There is a difference which is stated in the entry description itself.
For example, the year 2015 had at least 3 big-budgeted soft reboots, in Mad Max: Fury Road, Terminator: Genisys, and Jurassic World.
All three are technically sequels, but what they do makes them soft reboots.



this word was created just for TFA to defend it from being called what it is: a shallow sequel that borders on plagiarism like Terminator 3.

It means nothing : it's called Episode 7 so it's a sequel to Episode 6.

Just like Terminator 3 is a sequel to Terminator 2 whether I like it or not.

Funny how the only correct answer was not possible to chose: it's a sequel, and there is no such thing as "hard" or "soft" reboot. It's not porn lol

What's best in life ?


It's not any of them. It's a sequel.


It's not any of them. It's a sequel.

that probably should have been one of the options in the poll.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Of those options homage seems the most applicable, but the film in some weird way almost works better for me as some kind of soft reboot rather than a sequel given how it retroactively effects the OT's conflict.


None: it's just a mediocre sequel.

What's best in life ?


Soft Reboot

Creed did the same thing. You pretty much take the original story, tweak it here and there. You get the original cast for a supporting/cameo role to return to try and please the original fans. It's just another lazy move for studios to not be original.


Hopelessly derivative isn't an option?



this word was created just for TFA to defend it from being called what it is: a shallow sequel that borders on plagiarism like Terminator 3.

The term 'soft reboot" existed long before TFA. I'm not sure exactly when it became vernacular, but I think it was sometime around the 2009 Star Trek film (you know, the soft reboot star trek film).

Officially TFA is a sequel, but it rides a very thin line between being a sequel and a soft reboot due to how much it borrows from films that are soft rebooted (it's essentially the same cast of characters experiencing the same plot).


