Why is the Line About Sand Considered Bad?

I think everyone knows the line I'm referring to - "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

Now, I can certainly appreciate that Hayden Christenson delivered this line poorly. And I agree that there are some bad lines throughout the film, my personal favorite being, "I wish I could just...wish away my feelings for you."

But I don't think of this line as being one of the standout "cringe" lines in Episode II. Why is this so reviled - other than Christenson's delivery?

I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.


I think the music and the way it's filmed doesn't help it.

By the beard of Zeus!


Not only is it a bad line, but it's also the way Hayden says it, it's just crazy awkward. He's talking about sand getting into everywhere with a prospect girlfriend... You can pretty much imagine Padme rolling her eyes backwards after hearing it.


But it's an accurate description of what sand does. Living in the desert I know this to be true from personal experience.

I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.


Everyone likes to nitpick, Anakin is not experienced with talking to women so it may have been the first thing that came to his mind to say to Padme in that scene. Also hes like 18 or 19.


Because even though its in character and realisitc people still find it kinda cringey to watch a young kids attempts at flirtation and so they make fun of it
