John Williams best love theme !?

The across the stars theme might be the best of the series.


It's a good theme, one I'd love to have played at my wedding some day. The best part is that the further away we get from 2002, the less people will recognize it. :)


Oh, it's much too ominous to play at a wedding! It's sweeping romantic Music, but with an undercurrent of impending disaster. Which I have to say shows major skill!

The only truly marvelous things about the he prequels are Ian McDiarmid, and the score.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


That's the best thing about the prequels, the score. I honestly think the score here is superior to the original films. Across the stars, duel of the fates, etc


Across the Stars definitely ranks up there with the best themes in the series, though I would avoid playing it at a wedding, which is often intended to happily unite two people in everlasting matrimony.


You're absolutely right-- Duel of the Fates would be more appropriate.


To be played while the bride and groom perform an acrobatic lightsaber dance battle.


Now that would be a fun wedding.


A nice theme


I still listen to that piece sometimes :)
