What if the Prequels were remade without Lucas?

Let me start off by saying that I think Lucas is a terrible director and even worse writer. The best Star Wars movies in order by my opinion are as follows. Empire, ROTJ, The Force Awakens, A new Hope, ROTS, AOTC, The Phantom Menace. Lucas had a great idea for the Star Wars saga but had no idea how to create it. His character dialog is horrendous. When I went to see the prequels I found myself actually cringing at times (basically every scene with Hayden Christensen in it.) If Disney were to remake the prequels with good writers and directors (without Hayden) then I think that those could actually be really great movies, with more Darth Maul, Mace Windu and no Jar-Jar, Gungans, terrible romantic dialog, over the top light saber fights and terrible puns.


Maybe...but entire things need to be jettisoned to the point where it becomes more of a reboot than a remake. Making prequels amazing in 5 minutes and how attack of the clones could have saved everything are 2 of the best guides on how to make a cerebral prequel trilogy


reboot! reboot! reboot! reboot!!!!
normally i'm against reboots, but star wars really needs one. now that the basic story is written, someone can go through and make a consistent, well told version from beginning to end.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


The prequels will not be re- made. Its pointless hoping they will. The films are not as good as 4 to 6. But they are all watchable and have plenty of standout scenes that make them films worthy of keeping canon.

The most likely thing Disney could do, is to do a loose retread of the prequel trilogy, that has a similar story, but as you say, is better directed! Basically the same story told in the prequel trilogy of a hero who ultimately turns evil at the end and plunges our protagonists into a dark place in some way.


Okay, say that Disney makes SO much money off the franchise, that they decide to make anything they can slap the "Star WArs" name onto, and that includes remakes of the prequels.

Personally I don't think there's much they can do with the basic story, but it would be interesting to see if having decent performances would help. Lucas is know as the worst actors' director in the film industry, he really doesn't care about performances, and that means that the only decent performances in his films are given by old pros who can work without guidance from a director.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


empire is a piece of garbage, the prequels shouldn't have been made in the first place, i can't stand watching a spoiled movie and we already have three movie spoilers about what's going to happen in the end.


I'm sure they will reboot the series in time, but not until enough of the current generation move out of the target audience. I'm guessing about 10 years after episode 9 at a minimum.

or you know, if they run out of ideas before then.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


It would be pointless to remake them because the only thing they would have to change would be the sub-par dialogue and acting. The actors in the movies were actually fine, they just came across as bad because Lucas is such an incompetent director. The characters themselves, the design of the environments and even the basic plot are all perfectly fine for what they are worth. Besides cringe-worthy, childish dialogue, the movies aren't that bad. They aren't really worth rewatching more than once though, like the original trilogy and even TFA are. I just rewatched them again last year for the first time since they came out in the theater and I didn't really catch anything that I missed the first time upon a second viewing


I don't get why Empire is always the number one favorite movie for the prequel bashers. Empire features 30 minutes of boring Yoda scenes. No Star Wars movie has 30 minutes of boring scenes except for Empire.

Why do I know they're boring? Because the rest of the family and friends I'm watching with picks up their iPads or their iPhones or their Android DURING Empire and starts playing with those instead of watching the movie. It's disturbing.

Return of the Jedi is actually the best Star Wars movie, with a New Hope pretty close, because it has zero boring scenes.


It was most highly regarded film in the franchise before the prequels were even shat into existence.

Ask one of your ADD afflicted friends to look it up on their iPad. It's true.


Your friends are retarded morons

Empire has depth

While anything you like is junk food


Okay, well then you watch Empire Strikes Back with your family and friends, and tell me they don't pick up a smartphone or tablet during the movie, and start playing with that instead of watching the movie.

WHEN people pick up their smartphone or tablet during a movie, and start playing with it, that is the NUMBER ONE sign that they are bored. You'll find that folks do that with no Star Wars movie more than with Empire Strikes Back and specifically the Yoda & Dagobah scenes.


I'm sorry, but that reflects more on the shallowness of your family and friends than it does the movie. Simply because your brood can't stay away from the phones for more than 10 minutes doesn't mean you get to blame anything other than themselves.


If Disney were to remake the prequels

This is never going to happen. This would be a lot of risk and effort, for very minimal gain.

The prequels certainly have their various flaws, but I think that they are good movies. People like to trash on the prequels, but they do not have anywhere near the amount of hate to merit remaking them completely. Doing so would greatly divide the fanbase and lose profits. Plus it would be a very quick way to lose support from Lucas and anyone involved in the making of those movies.

Disney's best strategy is to continue expanding the Star Wars universe with more new material. Even if Episodes 8 and 9 turn out to be thoroughly mediocre, they will still make a lot of money. Remaking Episode 1 would require a perfect mindblowing movie to garner enough interest and make money.


I agree, it is what it is. Remaking them is not going make things any better, those films will still exist no matter what lol. People need to get off this bullshit reboot/remake mentality, it won't change a damn thing and the remakes could possibly be just as bad or worse! I like this series the way it is.....sue me! It's Star Wars, not Citizen Kane or The Godfather.
