MovieChat Forums > The Maury Povich Show (1991) Discussion > Something I am starting to notice about ...

Something I am starting to notice about society...

As expressed by some on this board, though I find the morality of this show appalling and am really disappointed that people are cashing in off the misery of others, it is entertaining to a point.

That said, one thing that I am starting to notice about the audience of the show is this: The fact that the audience is cheering for a woman who is cheating on a cheater out of revenge. This was on the show this afternoon.

REVENGE SEX MAKES YOU JUST AS SCUMMY AS THE OTHER SCUMBAG ON WHOM YOU'RE GETTING "REVENGE" (Regardless if you get pregnant or not.) And the fact that the audience applaudes this kind of behavior is deplorable.

I lost a lot of sympathy for stupidity of humans years ago. Two wrongs don't make a right. If you are stupid enough to sleep with 15 guys and dumb enough to KEEP doing it after 17 years and just as many results (regular viewers of the show know who I am talking about - Marisol), I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU.


People need to grow up, and have some decency for themselves and others, and society needs to stop glofying stupidity.

That is all.


There's a lot I find deplorable about the people on this show. One of them is the enthusiastic applause when a woman says she isn't going to try to find her baby's father anymore because she can raise it herself and be its father. How sad. I wonder what the kid will think in a decade or two when he or she wonders who their father was, where he is, and why he wasn't in their life. I doubt the kid will be grateful to mom for them not knowing.

And another thing -- I don't want to get started on all my complaints with the show -- is when some guy's wife discloses to him that she's been cheating behind his back and his baby might not be his. Later, he finds the baby is indeed his and he swoops her up in his arms and joyfully kisses and hugs her like nothing's wrong in the relationship! Is he kidding?! All's forgiven that easily? Wow.

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Everyone, this is Alice. Please welcome Alice to the show.
(Audience: applause)
A few years ago, she met this man, Bob. She fell in love with him and devoted herself to their relationship.
(Audience: Aww)
So naturally, she was devestated to find out that Bob had betrayed her her by sleeping with another woman!
(Audience: Oooh!)
Andto make matters worse, it was IN THEIR OWN BED!
(Audience: groans)

Everyone, this is Alicia. Please welcome Alicia to the show.
(Audience: applause)
A few years ago, she met this man, Rob. She fell in love with him and devoted herself to their relationship.
(Audience: Aww)
Everything was going great until one day when Alicia made a mistake in a moment of weakness. During a rough patch in their relationship, she sought comfort in the arms of another man.
(Audience: Aww)


And then there's this too:

MAURY: So you think your husband is cheating on you? I hear you keep track of what he's doing!

GUEST: That's right, Maury! I make him let me check his cell phone! I read through all his messages! Ain't nobody gonna pull anything over on ME!

[Audience laughs and cheers with approval]

Next day with a different guest:

MAURY: Your husband can't get over that time you cheated on him? What does he do?

GUEST: He takes my phone and checks my messages, Maury! He goes through my phone hopin' to find if I been cheating!"

[Audience boos and expresses shock and anger]

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


To a woman who snoops: "You're a good, little detective!"
To a man who snoops: "It is degrading to treat a person like this!"
Yes, those are acttual quotes.


There is a huge disparity on this show between how his producers and him swing the pendulum between acceptable behavior of men and women. Women are basically innocent and constant victims, even when their actions are deplorable, and the men are always dogs. As a woman, I think 90% of women on this show cause their own misery. Don't sleep with a random man, who you don't even know the last name of, and then complain he isn't the leave it to beaver dad and didnt provide you a white picket fence and perfect life.

I personally get annoyed when the audience boos a man who said he wasn't giving the woman any money for child support until paternity was established. How is this an action worth booing? Half the time these women come back to test more than 2 men, so why does every man that has sex with her owe her money!? Of course, we can look at what socioeconomic part of America these people live in. It explains their entitled attitude and lack of critical thinking skills.


About the unfair booing of men: Yesterday, I actually saw Maury get through the introductory sob story of the unwed mother and before saying anything at all about the man, who was waiting backstage, Maury merely said, "And her boyfriend..." and the audience started booing, even before they knew anything about him or his position on the matter.

Nope, I don't blame any of these men for waiting to establish that they're the father before paying child support or bonding with the child. It's just common sense, given the personality and history of the mother.

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I hate that line, "I can be the father for my child." No honey, you are it's mother. The lack of fathers leads to a continuing cycle of this lackadaisical breeding, poverty and crime. I predict half these kids will be in the same position as the mother or in prison by the age of 25.

Now that I think of it, how many of the guests make the comment, "I want my baby to have a father because I didn't have one." Why don't they find good men to be their partner and future children's father before having kids? They lack the ability to critically think or plan their own lives.


If anything said on that show sends a chill through me, it's that line about being the father to their child, which always gets a rousing, supportive cheer from the audience. I feel pity for the child and wonder whether he or she will ever see their mom on that episode and realize that's the reason why they don't know who their dad is. I think they will want to know then. What might they think of their mom for having that attitude?

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


not all women who say they can be their child's mother and father cause their kids to be criminals or live in poverty! i was a raised by a single mom, no dad because my parents divorced when i was a baby, but I'm not in poverty, I'm not in jail, and not breeding like there aint no tomorrow! My sister on the other had raised in a two parent household (her grandparents (she didn't like the fact of mom disciplining her and "telling her what to do")) and guess what? She has a criminal record; theft & drugs!; has 2 kids just had another and is pushing her newborn on her 7 year old to take care of as well as pushing her newborn on her grandparents, and lives on the bad side of town.. DON'T SIT THERE and say any woman that insists they can be the father for their child too, will lead to breeding like no tomorrow, poverty and crime! since it depends on the mom and how she CHOOSES to raise her kids! Besides there are SOME CHILDREN who have their dads around who help raise their child, who STILL end up in jail, in poverty and breeding like no tomorrow!

The extreme always makes an impression.
- Jeff Hardy


Thanks for exploiting the exception-to-the rule.


My sister on the other had raised in a two parent household (her grandparents (she didn't like the fact of mom disciplining her and "telling her what to do"))

Sorry to be direct but it looks like your mom might have failed your sister as a parent. If she was acting like that BEFORE she went to the grandparents it might have been too late.


I wonder what the kid will think in a decade or two when he or she wonders who their father was, where he is, and why he wasn't in their life.

Well here, let me give you some anecdotal data, since I never met my father (I'm 41 now btw):

I never wondered who he was.
I never wondered where he was.
I never wondered why he wasn't in my life.

Some of us do pretty well without fathers. But you morons go on thinking you know something about life. I'm sure it makes you feel smart. You aren't, but as long as you feel good about yourselves. Which you shouldn't.

Because you're morons.



I also love how these people act like single mothers are only a product of these women sleeping around. What about widows who lose their spouse? Women who are raped? Women who get out of an abusive relationship? Women who are only with one person but the marriage/relationship just didn't work out? Some people are thrust into single parenthood, not by choice, and do have to try their best to fill the role of two parents. It's ignorant to act like all or even most children raised by single parents are doomed to teen pregnancy and criminality.


Know what makes me sick about this show? Men who have 15 children by 8 mothers because the men are too stupid to use a condom.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"
~First Amendment


The women forgot too, sexist one.

(my bumper sticker)


The women forgot too, sexist one.

They're also stupid, but unlike the men, they're not pollinating 8 different flowers.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"
~First Amendment


I'm with you friend. The media has dumbed people down to record breaking levels. Glad there are some of us who still use that processor between our ears.

(my bumper sticker)
