official sequel

I'm surprised they didn't make an actual sequel. Not Kronk's New School. Or whatever. Maybe make it of Yzma's Revenge and Kronk can help defeat her. Maybe make Kuzco become another animal besides a llama or something.

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!


An actual sequel would be nice, but would it be computer animated or drawn with the same animation as the first and emperors new groove 2.

I think the plot of a theoretical second should revolve around Kuzco having a long last relative of some sorts who would be threatening the throne, so he and Yzma team up to prevent Kuzco from losing the throne. Yzma only wants Zuzco to stay on the throne because with him it would be easier to get him off than the other guy. Also they could bring in Pascha when Kuzco is dethroned and he needs to move in with Pascha and his family. Of course Kronk would still be Yzma's sidekick so all the characters could be used.

"'ll show you the life of the mind."-Charlie Meadows/Karl Mundt


I kinda liked the sequel we got a fair bit. More than I thought I would, anyway. I would feel kinda bad for it if it were replaced...

Everyday when you're walking down the street
everybody that you meet has an original point of view


they would have had to have used another actress for yzma surely?

OCOE - obsessive compulsive olive eater


Well, yeah, unless they've started dabbling in necromancy...

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


oooh disturbing

OCOE - obsessive compulsive olive eater
