MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > I appreciate that George had a clear vis...

I appreciate that George had a clear vision.

However flawed it was, he had a vision. And I can appreciate that.


I cant...because ideas are cheap

Real story is with characters and emotion

Not Shiny new planets with zero worldbuilding value (coruscant)


He didn't have a clear vision. He had loose threads of ideas that weren't concrete until scripts were tweaked and scenes filmed. Vader was never supposed to be a central character, much less Luke's father. Leia was never supposed to be Luke's sister, which is why they're constantly kissing on the mouth even up through RoTJ (there's a deleted scene depicting Han's rescue where Luke and Leia greet by kissing on the mouth).

The idea that Lucas knew what he was doing, and knew exactly what he wanted, the whole time is absolutely false. The original Star Wars trilogy was an utter fluke that wouldn't have been a success without the helping hands of many other professionals besides Lucas.

This is why the "special editions" and prequels were so bad. Lucas only had "yes men" around him after the success of the originals.


The original Star Wars trilogy was an utter fluke that wouldn't have been a success without the helping hands of many other professionals besides Lucas.

This is why the "special editions" and prequels were so bad. Lucas only had "yes men" around him after the success of the originals.
So did you like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

"Have to say, Jimmy - you turned into a real impressive fighter. If I was ol' Mengsk, I'd be runnin' scared from you, too."
"You really mean that, Tychus?"
"Nah. I was just kiddin'."


The idea that Lucas knew what he was doing, and knew exactly what he wanted, the whole time is absolutely false. The original Star Wars trilogy was an utter fluke that wouldn't have been a success without the helping hands of many other professionals besides Lucas.

So true! I'm looking at Ep. 1 on TNT right now, and I can't believe the studio didn't have him checked for mental illness after this. What a load of total garbage this is. And also the "special editions" infuriate me so much, I can't even watch them. One can assess how ridiculous Lucas became post-ROTJ by just looking at the musical number in Jaba's palace in the "updated" version. This guy just went on to make weak children's movies for his kids. What a joke. The best thing that ever happened to the franchise was for Disney to take complete creative control of everything. I don't know the exact terms, but hopefully someday they will have a mass release of the remastered "de-specialized editions" of the original trilogy, and they completely bury his desecration of them.


I tend to agree. The outline plot for the PT is pretty solid. He just badly needed to delegate control on directing and some other execution areas. IMO he spent too much time enjoying CGI (fine if that's all he was responsible for, after the story was in place) while other responsibilities suffered.


It wasn't solid

For one thing darth vaders story isn't much of a story to begin with

It was one element of a larger more compelling story of luke skywalker

Rogue one avoided this trap by making the story about jyns search for trust and her sacrifice

The prequels were awful
