MovieChat Forums > Titan A.E. (2000) Discussion > Is Treasure Planet good?

Is Treasure Planet good?

I keep reading in here that people that liked this liked Treasure Planet.

So is it really worth the watch? What's the animation and voice acting like?



Definitely worth a shot, you probably won't regret it. The animation's great, so is the story. I can't comment on the voice acting since I've always seen it in my language, but considering the cast they've got (Joseph Gordon Levitt, Emma Thompson, David Hyde Pierce & Martin Short) I can't imagine it'd be bad.


It's a great twist to a great story. Is it a little far fetched that their mode of transportation is an actual ship, but obviously one made for space? Yeah, but I ca live with that; it, at the end of the day, gives the story a nice twist to a classic story.

As for the voice talent? As the poster above me said, we have some great people voicing the roles. Especially since Joseph has really been making a name for himself the past of years. I saw it in theaters for my birthday when it came out and loved it. Can't say my family did, but then again, we don't always have the same tastes in things, lol.




Not me but some people are comparing the two


In my opinion both are very good in their own rights, though I do think they are pretty (and in my opinion almost undeniably) comparable.

Both feature a lead hero (Cale Tucker and Jim Hawkins) who is a young man with issues of feeling abandoned by his father, has a defiance towards authority, seems to get into quite a bit of trouble, has an aptitude at working with technology, and winds up having a map in his possession leading to the film's key location that is also referred to in the title (The Titan and Treasure Planet). While on his journey the hero comes to bond with an older male character who becomes a father-like figure to him (Joseph Korso and Long John Silver), though however is later revealed to be a traitor/enemy but manages to come around and do the right thing in the end (Korso sacrificing his life to help Cale start the Titan and Long John Silver giving up his chance at treasure in order to save Jim's life). Both are also of course also are featured in sci-fi/space settings with a lot of time spent on spacecraft seeing as a good portion of both films are about the journies to the aforementioned primary locations. Also both are filled with alien creatures, many of which would go under the TV tropes category of "Petting Zoo People" (in other words anthropomorphized animal-themed aliens).

Though I don't think there was intentional ripping off of one another even though they share several motifs. Unless I'm missing something and they had spies on each other's sets or something to that effect. (Which I doubt, but then again maybe I'm underestiating Hollywood) "Titan AE" was released first, however "Treasure Planet" was based on the book "Treasure Island" from 1883 and I think (though correct me if I'm wrong) that at leat some of the story points that match up with "AE" are from the novel. (Not including any of the sci-fi elements of course) Not to mention the fact that both were released close enough (only 2 years apart) that their productions had overlapped at some time. So I tend to think of it as being coincidence more than anything else. (Though again, maybe I'm wrong about that) And as I said before, I think both are very good movies regardless.


So funny, I actually watched this today together with Treasure Planet. For good ol' times I suppose. And yes I like them both, and I guess the audience is quite small. Seeing as both movies didn't do to well.
Treasure Planet was actually one of Disney's biggest flops according to IMDB trivia.

