treasure planet

i see this movie similiar to treasure planet
both of which did poorly, but both of whjich i adored as a child
whats going on here?


I thought the first half of Treasure Planet was very innovative and beautifully re-imagined, but the 2nd half of the movie was just plain predictable and boring to me.


I think the only two similarities are they're in space and maybe a treasure map type of premise.

I think the two movies are good examples of how direction and music make such a big difference. Treasure planet, for me, was fun, action oriented, yet didn't rush characterization, and at times suspenseful. Even though the plot is a bit small and childish.

Titan AE has a huge premise and a plot that seems way too big for how it's shown. From the very beginning I didn't get any feelign of suspense or drama. I felt like i was watching a news broadcast. Just this happens, this happens, this happens. And in the middle, this character turns 180 degrees because teh girl is pretty, i guess.

I love treasure planet, I can watch it over and over. But Titan Ae i feel as if should maybe be remade, to have some drama added to it. Like it could be good.


I disagree. Although I suppose it depends entirely on how you react to visuals and music. I was impressed by the following:

Earth blowing up along the tectonic plates.
Earth's debris slamming through the evacuating ships and the moon.
The Ice Crystals.
The general graphics.
The soundtrack, which was incredibly well fit for the movie.
Akima is hot.


A small defense for Treasure Planet; it didn't need an imaginative plot, it was a rethinking of Treasure Island. The only siginificant change was adding depth to Jim's character, which, in the book, was a typical virtuous hero of the time period.

And I like Titan A.E. a lot, although I must admit it seems likely to be an excuse for some really awesome visuals and concepts to be put on screen, with an inventive or exciting plot coming in a close second.


Soundtrack fit the movie?
The soundtrack was absolutely horrendous. It took me a while to disengage my dislike of the visuals in order to try to enjoy the movie, but once I finally did, the music pulled me back out of the movie. An orchestral score would've helped the movie a long way, making it epic and pulling you into the plot more.

--somebody set up us the bomb!--


I can see how you would think that a more 'epic' score would be better for the movie. However, I remember the first time i saw the movie, the music was a very defining moment. It was not expected, I was waiting for the strings and orchestra to drop in. I think it worked for the better, sort of like how 'A Knights Tale' had modern music laced in.

And I agree with the 1st half of TP being amazing


Now, I really like both movies. But they've got more similarities than that:

Both centering around a cynical young man who is gifted at working with technology, but gets into trouble a lot and has issues of feeling abandoned by his father. (Cale Tucker/Jim Hawkins) Both come into possession of a map that leads to the title location. (The Titan/Treasure Planet) Both go on a treacherous space voyage with a motley crew that includes what TV Tropes would call "Petting Zoo People" animals. Both bond with an older male figure who becomes a surrogate father to him, but is eventually revealed to be a traitor. (Joseph Korso/John Silver) They naturally get to the location, and as you'd expect from a climax hell starts breaking lose. During which time the hero's technical skills are put to use, and the traitor manages to come around and redeem himself in the end through some kind of sacrifice. The films ending with the young hero having a new sense of purpose and happiness.

That's not to say I think they are "clones" so to speak. As they do flesh out certain things differently. I just wanted to put across that they do have more similarities than implied there.


This was the movie I expected Treasure Planet to be. I think Titan AE is much better. It's not brilliant or anything, but it's pretty good sci-fi. TP has lovely art but I think a weak story and shallow characters; I was bored.


A weak story?
Based on Treasure Island, one of the most enduring and well-loved books of all time?!


*we all end up the remains of the day*


I thought TP went further with characterization than Titan did. Both movies were great, but TP touched my heart because of the Jim/Silver and Jim/Mom relationships.

"I hope I'm there, catching some of the light comin' off ya that day." ~Silver, Treasure Planet

