Okay I haven't worked out the whole Idea but what I have here is a start.

Act One: With things being slow at MIB headquarters, agent J is given leave. Trying to find a lead that they may have missed Agent J buys a Weekly World News Magazine, while flipping through the pages he comes across an article where a woman claims that her police officer son was taken by the Mole people and his existence was erased. The woman in the picture turns out to be agent J's mother.

The Mole People story leads him to pretending to be an FBI agent and he goes to check up on his mother. She tells him about how she had forgotten him for awhile (cries wondering "How could you forget about your own son) Then one day she was picking up some pictures she had developed. They handed her a third package that she had forgotten from the last time she was there. The pictures were of J's last birthday before he joined the MIB. She tells him how repeatedly this guy kept coming up in the pictures. It didn't take her long to figure out that he was someone important to her. J understands that it is important that people from his old life not remember him. He asks her to show him the pictures. As he looks through the party photos he starts to think about the people he left behind. So he erases her memory and takes the pictures.

With so much free time J decides to start checking up on the people that he use to know. This takes him through an It's A Wonderful Life scenario where people he knew and loved don't have a clue who he is. At J lowest point we meet a girl who J had been in a relationship with for awhile. J returns to the park bench where he set the night that he decided to join the MIB, He spends the night looking through the pictures and remembers the night of the party.

In the morning K meets him on the bench. K- I thought that I might find you here. J- Why's that? K shows him the Mole people story. J- K I think I made the wrong choice. K- I've been there before kid. K wipes J and leaves him there on the bench saying to him along the lines of Every time a bell rings. We cut to the homes of the people that knew him. They are all implanted with a story that he was on a plane that crashed into the Ocean 10 years ago. J himself is taken to a hospital where he is placed in a coma ward to prepare him for waking up. Then he will be reestablished into his old life.

Act Two: We are introduced to a group of Alien "Freedom Fighters" Who believe that by hiding who they are they are allowing the MIB and in turn our governments and corporations to make money off of their worlds technologies while their Kings live here in poverty. They decide that it is their right to stand up and take over our world. A call for Invasion is sent out by their King and within hours hoard of mother ships and invasion space craft are headed to earth.

What do you Know IMDb Is MoviePoopShoot.Com


It's not a bad idea, but maybe the second act should be part of the first act, the alien freedom fighters planning everything while J is thinking about his choice. Maybe another alien story, but I like the J story.

Spector: "Fireteam, fire at will. BRAVO TEAM, THAT MEANS PULL THE GOD DAMN TRIGGER!"


Eh, I hope they don't involved K or J's past again. Especially J's mother, I don't wanna go there.

"3 years... I promise." - Christopher Johnson
District 10 (2012)


But they never go into J's past, he walks away from everything without a second thought. I can't believe that anyone would do that.

What do you Know IMDb Is MoviePoopShoot.Com


I thought he didn't have any family?

excuse me, wtf u doin??


furst: MiB's don't have free time, it's kinda established in both previous movies...

Second: Sorry but your idea doesn't fit at all..

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.
