What a Shame!

that disney isn't going to make the next fantasia.why not????it's certainly not the worst idea they ever came up with.also,who's with me as far as disney making more 2D movies,like back in the good ol' days??:)


the original took cel animation to its limits but i don't think the same could be said of the 2000 version vis-a-vis cgi



Disney is dead, mate. You can make good 3D animations, but nobody cares anymore.


That may well be true. For the moment.

I think styles of hand-drawn animation will come back into vogue. The world will always need artists and craftspeople.

I think it's a pity that no new Fantasia will be forthcoming. I know the last one wasn't the hit they'd hoped for; I personally think the idea was good, but the timing maybe wasn't.



Disney is not i nthe buisiness of cartoons
it's in the buisness of suing people...

the good animation they made is no more
etc...(monty python parrot skit)



Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Not financially dead...creatively dead. The quality spirit of Disney began to die after "Hercules". In a hand drawn flick, you knew there was time and effort dedicated to making sure it was decent. Now, with some cg animators and a few celbs, Disney can punch out a new film every 6-8 months. It's pure buisness for them. If one film is a hit, Disney thinks it merrits a couple sequels (Cars 2 is coming, I guarantee it!). Why do you think they are releasing all thier classics? Because they're good. Spending two years on a hand drawn film was a risk. If it flopped, you wasted two years. So Disney made sure they were all GREAT. Nowadays, if a film sucks, Disney only looses a couple months. There is no reason to do anything extraordinary. Disney is playing it safe. It just recycles what worked in the past without considering WHY it worked.

The ultimate measure of a society is it's film industry


Wow, I couldn't have said it any better. Dead on.


Uh, you'd have a point if the average development time for a CG film wasn't 3-4 years.

Face it, 2D is just as good a medium for crap as 3D is. If you don't believe me, take a look at Cartoon Network's daytime programming.

The problem is not the technology, the problem is executives deciding that they should be in charge of the creative decisions as well as the business ones, despite them having no qualification. Thus, you get a bunch of films featuring penguins (March of the Penguins, Madagascar, Farce of the Penguins, Happy Feet, Surf's Up). For some reason, they believe that people went to see "March of the Penguins" not because it was a very well-made film which filled a gap in the summer lineup, but because it had PENGUINS. What can I say?

___ __ _
My blog about Russian animation: http://niffiwan.livejournal.com/


The book Disney War is quite good in explaining how the hell Disney animation ended up in the creative slump it is currently experiencing. It's not the first time this has happpened, nobody particularly cared during the days of Fox and Hound and The Black Cauldron either. Not until Little Mermaid came out and a Disney Renaissance sort of sprung up and lasted a few features and then the corporates just got greedy and drove it all to death. Recnetly they seem to just be milking the classics for all their worth at the moment, Cinderella III?? Tinker Belle is about to become the next Disney "product" beginning with her own 'fairy' feature coming out soon in CG form??
They are going to go back into making traditionally animated features in coming years (The Frog Princess) but I suspect it'll take a while before they hit another stride.
Meanwhile after the glut of terrible or rather average CG films for the past two years (well, in my opinion), traditional animation might be ready for a bit of a comeback. Personally I think Disney is really taking a bit of a beating in the traditionally animated fields from the asian anime studios a little bit, Miyasaki comes to mind.
