MovieChat Forums > Fantasia 2000 (2000) Discussion > i know it has been eight years since i s...

i know it has been eight years since i saw his in the theater

4 times, but i remember a few things that i havent found referenced here. first off, when mickey is trying to find donald before pomp and circumstance, i remember hearing him run around the theater and i remember that when he finds him in the shower, it wasnt projected on the main screen. in my memory of it, the door to the shower room opened on a side wall corresponding to where the voices were coming from.

also, as penn and teller were introducing the sorcerer's apprentice, i remember the sorcerer's hat looking 3 dimensional. maybe it was a trick of the light, but i remember the hat being the first thing from the segment to appear and it looked like it was setting on the shiny black floor in front of the screen. well, at least half of it was in front of the screen.

does anyone else remember these camera tricks?


Yeah, but they were only for the IMAX theatres, since they have surround sound and better quality imagery.

The winner is Todd!
