MovieChat Forums > eXistenZ (1999) Discussion > End of credits game list?

End of credits game list?

I saw this movie for the first time yesterday with a friend, and we were commenting on some themes in the movie as the credits were rolling towards the end.

When they reached the end, there was mention of Electronic Arts, Bullfrog, and some known games from the 90's like Dungeon Keeper, Crusader: No Remorse, Gene Wars, Syndicate Wars etc. I've played all of these games so I found this particularly intriguing.

But what was it about? Were these companies somehow involved in the making of the movie? Some themes in the eXistenZ were definitely related to most of these games.


I'm sure none of the companies mentioned were involved with the film's production. The script is an original by David Cronenberg and whilst clearly influenced by games and gaming, he cites the major inspirations as being the fatwa issued on Salmon Rushdie and some of the work of Phillip K Dick.🐭
