MovieChat Forums > X-Men (2000) Discussion > Magneto wasn't really an evil villain...

Magneto wasn't really an evil villain...

Now was he?...
I think he was just a bad guy
Because not all bad guys are evil!

I'm a bad guy and I'm not evil
Magneto and I merely have ODD(oppositional defiance disorder)


Magneto is an evil villain because he says so at 1:33:


When you plan to exterminate all of earth's billions of humans in order to completely wipe the species out of existence you're pretty darn evil, I would say.



And when he realized he had the opportunity, he planned to take it - He didn't decide in the moment to do that without thinking. It was an action that he devised ahead of time. Whether he devised that action 5 minutes in advance or 5 days in advance, the advanced nature of the scheme makes it, by definition, a plan.

While we don't know exactly when he came up with it, I personally wouldn't put it past him to have had that whole scenario planned out from the moment he escaped from prison after having considered it as a possibility (in a "if I wasn't in here I could use this to wipe out his people" kind of way) while Stryker was pumping him for information. If you watch the scene where Magneto and the X-men join Mystique in the control room you can tell that Magneto already had the whole thing planned out from the tone of his voice when he says, "There it is," and "Come. There's little time," followed by the looks on Magneto and Mystique's faces when Jean responds by saying, "Not without us." Magneto and Mystique then share another conspiratory look while walking with Jean on their way to Cerebro. As a result, he had to have had the plan before meeting up with the X-men as in order for Mystique to have been in on it, they had to have discussed it prior to joining the X-men on the Blackbird. Thus, I think it is fairly evident that he had the plan from that point where Mystique and Magneto were alone in the woods together.


Evil is merely a point of view. Humans to him are evil.


Thanks, Anakin.


Evil is not a point of View.
Evil is simply a series of actions.

if a man walks into a bar and pulls out a machine gun and and shoots up the place for the hell of it, he by definition evil


In Psychological Circles, there's NO such thing as "for the hell of it"-There's ALWAYS a reason for the actions of another even if they're not immediately apparent.


'Evil is merely a point of view' is the most simplistic of moral relativistic arguments. So the nazis just had a 'different worldview'? On the other hand, if Magneto actually believes that he's acting in defence of the evolving 'new race' that mutants are destined to become, then his actions can't simply be labelled as 'evil'.

Always remember what Dirty Harry said about opinions before you express your own!


One of the scariest things about nazis and a point that almost every work of fiction and non-fiction about them fails to understand is that they thought they were the good guys, protecting european culture and their home. Of course from our perspective they were one of the most unambiguously evil forces in history but to them they were doing something good and necessary. Which is why millions of normal german people decided to follow them and commit the most vile atrocities.
Magneto is similar. To us he is evil, genocidal, megalomaniacal, but if you actually try to understand where he's coming from his point of view becomes quite relatable. This is one of the great strengths of the X-men movies. They are always about clashing ideologies, not about the villain of the week. Even X-men Apocalypse which at first seems to go for that approach is ultimately about clashing ideologies too. The character apocalypse is basically magneto and his ideas turned up to eleven. A crazy deity who thinks he's doing the world a favour by "cleansing" it.


Magnetos hates humans because of what he seen from them the hate the destruction towards each other because of differences opinions


He was definitely evil. He not only planned to turn all the humans into humans, which we know would have killed them going by what happened to Senator Kelly, but also planned to sacrifice a mutant to do it. Sounds pretty evil.


He did lose his family to the Holocaust. I feel bad for him.


And if he ONLY went after the ones directly responsible for his family's death, it wold be one thing. But, he didn't. He was quite willing to kill anyone who stood in the way of him killing the ones who killed his family.

That is when the line is crossed.

And then when he tried to kill all of the sailors it was crossed to the point where it is next to impossible to return.


Magneto is evil but he also has a good reason. He was in the holocaust and watched everyone he knew and loved get killed as a boy. Professor X was his friend for a while but then when some people tried to come and attack him again he went nuts and decided all humans were a problem. He thinks all humans will always fear mutants and none of them will be okay living around them. He has no hope. Hence why he wants to kill all humans. I guess the real explanation I'm making is he once was good but then went nuts/evil.

Green Goblin is great!


To me, the Jedies are the ones who are evil!

I know English a lot gooder than you.
