MovieChat Forums > Wild Things (1998) Discussion > so bloody complicated! i didnt get most ...

so bloody complicated! i didnt get most of it!



Did you watch all the way through the closing credits? It shows how the whole thing unfolded from the beginning all the way to the end. There were some pretty cheesy aspects to this movie imo but those final moments make it all worthwhile. I thought the backstory was very cleverly constructed. But you really can't understand it all if you don't see those flashbacks. I would recommend going back to check it out if you didn't see it the first time.


I also just saw it and didn't get most of it, I know it shouldn't matter because this film is trying to be serious when it actually is cheesy and soft core, but were lombardo and duquette lovers?
before the plan was initiated was duquette a cop? because he looked like a regular guy at the bar where lombardo buys him a drink.
If duquette was a cop beforehand, was he a good cop? a bad cop? a lazy cop?
Were Perez and Duquette partners for a long enough time to trust each other?
Was Bowden in on it at the end?
A popular girl would never hang with an outcast, no matter what, so how did kelly and suzie get together?
If everybody was doublecrossing everybody, didn't they at least get suspicious of one another?


Yes it was cheesy and softcore but for me the final credits montage giving the backstory made it all worthwhile.

Yes Duquette was already a cop. A mean, corrupt cop who beat his girlfriend and killed a friend of Suzie. No he and Lombardo were not lovers.

Suzie set everything in motion. It was her plan all along but nobody else knew that completely. She had pictures of Lombardo with Kelly so presumably she blackmailed him into putting her plan in motion. She had him approach Kelly with the idea about how to get her money from her trust - that's why she was hanging out with Suzie. It was necessary to that plan and Sam convinced her it would be worth it. Suzie also told Sam to approach Duquette about his part in the plan (again without revealing that it was really Suzie making the plans) and assured him that Duquette would go for it because he was corrupt. She said "especially the part about killing me" because she knew that Duquette hated her as much as she hated him (because of the killing of her friend Davy).

Yes Bowden was in on it with Suzie all along. She led Sam to him as well.

So they (Suzie, Sam, Kelly and the lawyer) proceeded with the plan to get Kelly's trust broken.

With that done, Suzie moved on to convincing Kelly that she'd helped in Suzie's murder (and convincing everyone else except Sam that she was dead). Suzie knew that Ray would be greedy and want to get rid of Kelly, which he did. And that left her, Sam and Ray. Ray thought that he was only in a partnership with Sam and didn't know that Suzie was calling the shots. Suzie got Sam to help her kill Ray by convincing him that they were justified in killing Ray because Ray killed Kelly, which wasn't part of their plan (although it was part of Suzie's secret plan) and because he'd killed Davy. Sam wasn't really the cold blooded killer type and had never planned to kill anybody.

Once Ray was dead, all Suzie needed to do was kill Sam and she was free of all of them. Which she did.

Why kill Sam? Why kill Ray? Why let him kill Kelly? Well, Sam betrayed her by leaving her in jail the weekend she was arrested because he was too busy having sex with Kelly. Kelly always treated Suzie like swamp trash. And Ray killed Suzie's friend and had her sent to jail. Under her brilliant plan, she got to kill all the people who 'did her wrong' and walk away with millions of dollars without anyone knowing that she was still alive - so no one would ever come looking for her. It was the perfect crime.

Which brings us to Bowden, the lawyer. She needed him because he took care of all the arrangements for her. And she didn't feel the need to kill him because (1) he'd never betrayed her and (2) she paid him well and he wasn't going to tell anyone that she was still alive.

The twist at the end was finding out that Suzie was a genius who was the mastermind behind everything and that she'd manipulated everyone. And the reason no one got suspicious was because each member of the group only had contact with certain other members so they weren't sharing information. Kelly thought she was in cahoots with Sam and they were just using Suzie. Ray thought he was in cahoots with Sam and that Sam was going to kill Suzie and they would frame Kelly and run off with the money. Sam thought he was in cahoots with Suzie and that they were going to use Kelly to get her money and use Ray to make everyone think Suzie was dead and Sam was innocent so that he could disappear without any suspicion and no one would be looking for Suzie at all. Naturally none of them shared information with the others because they all thought they were in a partnership that was going to double cross someone else. Suzie knew how to manipulate all of them and played them all against each other. Perez was just a well meaning cop who believed what she saw as it played out in front of her. Though she was smart enough to know that something didn't feel right and presumably by the end she had a pretty good idea of what really happened. Not that she could ever make anyone believe her. So my guess is she shrugged, went home and put it all behind her knowing it was better to just let sleeping dogs lie.

I hope that helps!


Couldn't have put it better myself. So complex, but so great. Suzie is a legend.


"Suzie is a legend."

She is indeed. A bit of a sociopath but a legend nevertheless, lol. Funny how she can be the one we most sympathize with by the end.

Reminds me of a scene from an episode of Doctor Who, when a companion slugs one of the villains and the Doctor, who is a bit of a pacifist, says "Can I say <pauses to look impressed> I completely disapprove!"


Sorry but I think this whole "Suzie is a genius" is a bunch of crap. If she was really that smart she should would have applied her abilities and made a fortune already instead of inventing a ridiculously convoluted and preposterous plan to get money from her relatives. It's too far fetched even if one suspends their disbelief.


Wow you really did a brilliant job explaining the movie, I really didn't fully understand it till I read your piece. Kudos!


great post bpoz
