half sisters???

i must have just watched a un cut version of the movie. There were many scenes i had not seen before. Including the old lady saying susie and kelly were half sisters??? Thats a huge plot that didnt make the final cut. Anyone else see this scene?


You did watch the Unrated Cut, but you got some conclusions wrong.

Suzy and Kelly's mother Sandra van Ryan (Theresa Russell) are half-sisters.

They have the same father.

See, Russell's rich father used to cheat on the mother with prostitues. There was one in particular that he liked.

He knocked her up. That was Suzy's mom.

Russell never knows she has a step-sister.

See, Suzy's plan is to take revenge against her real family and get money that she feels she is owed.

Ruby took Suzy in and raised her. Walter is her real biological son. Ruby has no biological relation to Suzy. I know that part can be confusing because the theatrical version makes it seem that Ruby is Suzy's mother (or grandmother) and Walter is her brother (or uncle). But the truth is that they are not blood relatives. Ruby simply took her in because she probably always wanted to have a daughter. After Suzy's biological mom (prostitute) died, Ruby raised Suzy as her own.

So when Suzy has sex with Kelly, is is the step-aunt having sex with her step-niece.

I think this is why those scenes may have been removed from the theatrical release.

You already had a threesome, lesbianism, and frontal male nudity (Kevin Bacon in the shower). Incest may have been too much for the MPAA.

Personally, I do prefer the Unrated Cut. Those few scenes add much to the story. It gives you the clear cut motivation for Suzy's actions that the theatrical release really doesn't.

In the theatrical release, one comes to the conclusion that Suzy goes after Kelly and her family's money because she is rich and popular. Suzy is poor and kind of an outcast. Or perhaps Suzy hated Kelly for taking Sam's attention.

But in the end, we realize that Suzy was behind the whole thing. She didn't a s*** about Sam or Kelly. So jealousy, especially about the Kelly and Sam relationship, goes out the window. In the end, one is back to wondering why she chose Kelly when there were so many rich girls at Blue Bay she could of set her sights on.

But now, the Unrated Cut answers this question perfectly.


I should also point out a mistake that some people are making regarding this cut.

It was Sandra van Ryan who came from money, not her dead husband.

Sandra's father was the rich one. When she married, she kept her family name. Her husband lived off of her, not the other way around.

She probably married him because he was good looking and/or good in bed. I think he ended up committing suicide because he most likely felt like a failure.


Don't you mean half-aunt and half-neice instead of step? And wouldn't that make them cousins? Gah, this is so confusing.


I think you can use step and still mean some blood relations.

Though I am not sure about that.

But no, they wouldn't be cousins.

It would be step aunt (or half aunt) Suzy and step niece (or half niece) Kelly having sex.

Suzy and Kelly's mom, Sandra, are step (or half) sisters. Same father. Different mothers.

Any children that Suzy had would be step (or half) cousins to Kelly.


@darthade I think you make a good point as to what the motive may be in the unrated version, but both versions make the motive very clear and it isn't what you've stated. Suzie blackmailed Sam because she felt like he screwed her over when she needed him. She was bitter for what happened with her getting busted, her friend Davy, and Sam not being there for her when Ray created problems for her. Her motive to go after the Van Ryan money could be, as has been stated in this thread, that she felt entitled to the money being part of that family. Maybe, but it may have just been a coincendence that Sam was involved with ties to her family history. Also, we never know if Suzie actually knows that she is related to Sandra Van Ryan.

I personally think all the additional twists at the end of the unrated version are unnecessary. I'm glad that they were cut; just a few twists too much. The extended sex scene in the pool is a waste of time. On the DVD for the R-rated version the director says that that scene was cut because it was boring, and he is absolutely right.

You misunderstand the concept of step/half. Half siblings share one biological parent. If someone is a step sibling it means that one person's parent has married another person's parent but they share no blood relation. You cannot use both to mean the same thing because they are two different classifications. In the movie they use the term half, so it is clear what they mean. From how it is explained there is no way that Kelly would Suzie's step niece, that doesn't make sense. She is her niece.

The comments about Sandra's husband liing off of her is just an assumption. There iare no details about the husband beyond that he killed himself. I think that was just added to show how dysfunctional and desperate all of these people are. But that, like what you have said, is simply speculation and there is no way to confirm it because the movie doesn't approach it.


Read the screenplay, it will explain everything. Why Kelly's father killed himself, did Suzie know she was Sandra sister and what is Sam's real relationship to the Van Ryan's. I think that the movie did a good leaving out most of this. It all comes off kind of cheap. I a made for tv movie of something. Well, made for cable, the sex is somewhat more graphic.


I think that the movie did a good leaving out most of this.

So do I. I'm sorry I know of the original script's intention. I don't know if I can enjoy the movie anymore.



I think she's just be her aunt even though she's half sisters with the mom.

ooops i'm wrong.....(enjoy the sister son!)

A nephew is a son of one's sibling or half-sibling, and a niece is a daughter of one's sibling or half-sibling. Sons and daughters of siblings-in-law are also informally referred to as nephews and nieces respectively, even though there is no blood relation. The word nephew is derived from the French word neveu.

Nephew – son of one's brother/sister (and his/her spouse).
Niece – daughter of one's sister/brother (and her/his spouse).
Half-nephew – son of one's half-brother/half-sister.
Half-niece – daughter of one's half-brother/half-sister.
Nephew-in-law – son of one's sister-in-law/brother-in-law; husband of one's niece.
Niece-in-law – daughter of one's sister-in-law/brother-in-law; wife of one's nephew.
Step-nephew – son of one's stepbrother/sister, or stepson of one's brother/sister, or stepson of one's stepbrother/stepsister.
Step-niece – daughter of one's stepbrother/sister, or stepdaughter of one's brother/sister, or stepdaughter of one's stepbrother/stepsister.
Half-nephew-in-law – son of one's wife/husband's half-brother/half-sister; husband of one's half-niece
Half-niece-in-law – daughter of one's wife/husband's half-brother/half-sister; wife of one's half-nephew
Step-niece-in-law – daughter of one's wife/husband's stepbrother/stepsister; wife of one's step-nephew
Step-nephew-in-law – son of one's wife/husband's stepbrother/stepsister; husband of one's step-niece
Great-nephew (also called "grand nephew") – son of one's nephew/niece, grandson of one's sister/brother.
Great-niece (also called "grand niece") – daughter of one's nephew/niece, granddaughter of one's sister/brother.
Half-great-nephew – son of one's half-nephew/niece.
Half-great-niece – daughter of one's half-nephew/niece.
In some cultures and family traditions, it is common to refer to one's first cousin once removed (the child of one's cousin), as a niece or nephew. In archaic terminology, a maternal nephew is called a sister-son, emphasizing the importance as a person's nearest male relative should he have no brothers or sons of his own. The term is used to describe some knights who are nephews to King Arthur and is imitated by J. R. R. Tolkien, especially in lists of Kings of Rohan or dwarves where the sister-son is also heir. Sister-daughter is a less common parallel term for niece.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


moosefeathers=WAY too much time on hands


@ Anbooz

A screen play book was never released....i want one..lol its a great movie :)


moosefeathers=WAY too much time on hands

nope. just a few clicks on internet and copy and paste.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
