MovieChat Forums > Wild Things (1998) Discussion > when u first saw this what did you think...

when u first saw this what did you think of it?

When i walked out of the cinema after seeing this i thought WOW..what did u think?


I first saw it on DVD, but after the first viewing, i thought it was pretty cool! not amazing or anything, but it had some fun twists, and some great nudity. The only thing that was kinda disappointing was that we never got to see Neve. I know why she didnt do it, but personally... well, i really would have liked it :)


"Chance favors the prepared mind"


The only thing that was kinda disappointing was that we never got to see Neve.
i wasn't too bothered about seeing neve tbh. denise was the money shot. ;)


go see "when will i be loved" to get your neve fix. she gets buck and it's a really interesting movie, too.


go see "when will i be loved" to get your neve fix. she gets buck and it's a really interesting movie, too.

I got this movie on DVD. It's a masterpiece. Great storytelling as well.

Edit: (On the Original Topic) I saw Wild Things back in 1999, and the moment I saw the film, I knew this will be going in my DVD collection. Though I had to wait a few more years because I was still a minor

Spider-Man 3: The Extraordinary Blockbuster of (2007)



I think "masterpiece" is a serious stretch.

Well sorry you feel that way. I'm an Erotic thriller fan. A masterpiece doesn't necessarly have to be some academy-award winning film, or what you call a film that matches the lengths of Gone With The Wind. I thought When Will I Be Loved is a distinct storytelling, not like the typical sexy-erotica movies you usually see. It's sexy, and it's stylish. But at the same time it's also very smart and has wit to it's screen-play--especially Fred Weller as Never Campbell's sleezy hustler boyfriend.

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors



No, but it does have to be better than Wild Things.

As far as the script, the acting (especially from Neve Campbell) and the story-telling imo, it was. Though that's my opinion.

If you say "masterpiece", I'm automatically going to think of something that people will remember in 20 years.

Well it's a rare movie because alot of people haven't heard of it. Not very well-known like Wild Things because it was a limited-released film. Now I don't know if that'll help my credibility with my "masterpiece" statement, but I was just stating that not everyone knows about "When Will I be Loved" because of that. Though I was speaking from my perspective about the film, I'm not saying that it'll be memorable in everybody's eyes. But it's far less then a B-Grade movie like Wild Things.

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors



It was what? Better than Wild Things? How can a movie be better than itself?

Uhh?? I was talking about When will I Be Loved (also starring Neve Campbell) being better then Wild Things. Not Wild Things itself. Get it?

Well it's a rare movie because alot of people haven't heard of it. Not very well-known like Wild Things because it was a limited-released film.

Wild Things wasn't limited release. I saw it in a second-run theater after it had been at the local Showcase.

I think you're getting yourself waaaaaay too confused. Read what I said again. Don'ts skin through the paragraph this time. Better yet, let me do a recap on how this all started so you can be a better perspective on what movie I was refering to

Well sorry you feel that way. I'm an Erotic thriller fan. A masterpiece doesn't necessarly have to be some academy-award winning film, or what you call a film that matches the lengths of Gone With The Wind. I thought When Will I Be Loved" is a distinct storytelling, not like the typical sexy-erotica movies you usually see. It's sexy, and it's stylish. But at the same time it's also very smart and has wit to it's screen-play--especially Fred Weller as Never Campbell's sleezy hustler boyfriend.

If you haven't read the posts above me, another poster mentioned the movie title When Will I Be Loved starring Neve Campbell. He or she recommended that everyone should see it. So that was the post I replying to. That at the time had nothing to do with the topic on Wild Things.

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors



Either way, you're never going to see either one on AFI's top 100...or 500.

Lol. Well I judge a movie based on my own standards, and I happend to find it a bit superficial to judge movies based on how highly critical it is or whether or not the movie is in every critic's "Top Movie" list or not.

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors



Regardless, I think you're going to be the only one who ever called Wild Things or When Will I Be Loved or whatever a "classic".

This conversation is making my head hurt lol.

I said When Will I Be Loved is a "classic" and NOT Wild Things. I think you need to read my posts again before you assume that.

And by the way, what I'm doing is voicing is an opinion. REGARDLESS, why should it matter if I'm the only one who feels When Will I Be Loved is a "classic" or not? If you've noticed, this is an opinion and not a fact. If you opinionate on movies based on if the movie is on every critic's top 100 list, then that's your thing, but like I said, I have my opinion.

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors



Wow, I've never expected you to return. And did I mention what I great conversation this is *smirk*

I see you're still dwelling over a conversation that is about 4 months old.

This IS a Wild Things board, and you wrote:
"I got this movie on DVD. It's a masterpiece. Great storytelling as well."

I know what I "typed" bubblegum (or whatever your name is), and I'm not playing dumb about it either. What's your excuse?

Anyways, I know this is a Wild Things movie board, but someone mention that they didn't like the fact that Neve Campbell didn't get enough screen-time in "Wild Things", so the user creekprophet stated this......

by creekprophet (Wed Sep 6 2006 15:37:36)

go see "when will i be loved" to get your neve fix. she gets buck and it's a really interesting movie, too.

Now, as you can see, creekphrophet's post recommended that poster to go see When Will I Be Loved if they want to see more of Neve. He also stated that it's a really interesting movie.

So I replied to him (Hence that the quote in the "quote box" from his post is the one I'm responding to) and I've stated to him that I got "When Will I Be Loved" on DVD and and it was (In my opinion), a masterpiece because of how I felt about the movie's story, acting etc.

Now here's my response: (Mon Apr 2 2007 02:37:54)

go see "when will i be loved" to get your neve fix. she gets buck and it's a really interesting movie, too. [creeprophet]

I got this movie on DVD. It's a masterpiece. Great storytelling as well.

Now, that should clear that up for you. (I hope) If not, then just read the click the link:

A classic will stand the test of time. Most people haven't heard of the movie right now, so how can it possibly still be relevant in 40 years?

You're mistaken me for someone who cares about what "most" people think?

Like I said, and this is just MY opinion, that the film is a "classic", and it doesn't matter to me why you feel it isn't a classic because it's not well-known or because it isn't in AFI's TOP 100 list. This film stands the test of time to me; it was worth my pratical movie-loving time and money (I brought it on DVD)--which will mean that it'll be relevant to me for as long as I'm breathing. And if you feel differently, well, that isn't my problem.

Peace out

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors (1979)


"When Will I Be Loved" is a great movie. Bubba Gump must be taking lessons from Fan Ever on how to be nit picky and start trouble for no good reason.


"When Will I Be Loved" is a great movie.

Thank you! I'm glad someone else shares the same views as I do (as well as creekprophet)

Bubba Gump must be taking lessons from Fan Ever on how to be nit picky and start trouble for no good reason.

Whether the guy is trying to either push my buttons, or pick a fight, either way it goes I'm through with this silly little conversation.

I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsickle

-Ajax The Warriors (1979)




I have to agree that Denise Richards was dreadful and it might have been nice to see someone who could act play Kelly.


I saw it on FX so i'm sure i missed a lot of the good parts, im going to order it on dvd because i thaught that it was awesome. i dont know how its going to turn out the 2nd time around now that i know the ending.

I also really liked bill murray's part

Go Cubs


but it had some fun twists

I can't remember the last time I saw a movie whose plot had so many twists and was dizzying trying to keep up.


Saw it when it first came out, thought it lived up to the hype (great trashy entertainment!), and we'd be hearing a lot more of Denise Richards.


I liked it. Lots of little twists and turns I didn't see coming. Plus, Matt Dillon. Enough said!


I was like ten when i first saw this. I din't know what to think lol.

Juice Newton, did you know that they named orange juice after her?


Matt Dillon was smoking hot in this movie.


I thought it was ok, nothing special. If it wasn't for the nudity then this movie would have been forgotten long ago



Yeah it was my fave for a while and not just cause of Denise. Really liked the ending.

I'm color those arubix cubes are easy.


Hi there just wanted to say: if you guys think you are actualy seeing Denis Richards breasts then you are really not thinking strait.
never heard of a body double??
If you watch again you will notice that you never see her face and breast at the same time. Either the camera is too close or her face is covered by hair.


what are you talking? i've watched the scene 100 times and these are denise richards boobs, no question about that.


Actually she admitted in several intervew that she did those scene so unless there is a big lie around this film it really her breast... anyway why would she do pictures for playboy and refuse to show her breast afthermath it just ... absurb


I thought it was a good movie. I still think its a good movie. Its one of those cinema classics that will be viewed 20 years from now and it'll be a number of BEST MOVIES lists. I thought the writing and the acting was good.


I saw it way back when it was released (I was 16, in 9th grade) and I was floored by entire movie. Infact everyone I talked to felt the same way, it was a big deal at the time because not a lot of movies had those kinds of twists. Usually you'd be able to tell what happened, but they used classic elements (the "shoot out" scene with Kelly and Duquette) and created something killer with the "true story" scenes at the end.

Now it's just the same old nonsense.

Because sponges never have bad days.


i agree even though people don't really talk about it. i think that was neve campbell's first really dark role.


Oh yes. God she's so hot as a redhead.... ^_^


that was a *beep* terrible movie. the writing and acting was awful. theres only 30 decent seconds of the entire film and thats when denise richards tits are hanging out. it was like watching soft core porn with slightly more plot and a lot less nudity. "I saw it way back when it was released (I was 16, in 9th grade) and I was floored by entire movie" maybe this can seem like a somewhat good movie to people who are 16 and still in 9th grade, but for the rest of us its a pile of crap.


It was a little cheesy (okay, a lot LOL), but I think it was supposed to be like some dark cheesy soap opera-type movie. I do like it but I see your point.


It was so *beep* ridiculous, the plot has too many stupid unrealistic twists. This movie was just porn, for 15 yr old dumb kids.


That it was fantastic! The first movie i had seen with twist after twist. Never saw any of the 5 or 6 (or more?) coming. All shocked me, especially the "How much is ** divided by **?" bit, and the "You're dead" in the ending bit on the boat... man that really got me by suprise!

Bishop O'Hara: You took a vow of hospitality for all in need.
Rev. Mother: I lied.



i was 22 when i saw it in the theatre and i could no get the image of a naked Denise Richards outta my head for

wanna get laid? crawl up a chicken's butt and wait


I thought, "Wow, Bacon's looking good..."



Women are simply not this yielding, or rather, predatory, in real life.


I saw it on cable and thought it was not near as much fun as I had anticipated.

"I don't want no commies in my car. No Christians either!"


Towards the end I thought argh what a convoluted load of *beep* After they killed red head I started predicting the turns before they happened zzzzz.


I just finished watching it 10 minutes ago.
I thought it was entertaining, but utter trash.
And it got to the stage where the twists were taking the PI55, to be quite honest.
Seemed like they were just throwing in extra twists for the sake of it.
IMO :]
