Well, I Loved it!

I have to say firstly that I only just got the film today and originally only wanted to see it because of who was in it and didn't expect it to be so good. In my opinion the acting was excellent, completely natural and convincing; the story opened up into a moving (if not long) journey. It certainly wasn't a waste of my time, I watched it twice and cried both times.


This movie was a daring attempt by Dan Ireland (watch for this Director..he can create miracles)..I have to watch his other movies too..

"Velocity of Gary" was a touching story..something which we can't forget so soon..


I also love this movie


I was pleasantly surprised...no, stunned when I happaned upon this movie. But I was more stunned at the low rating. This is a great movie if you see it for what it is...a love story.

I believe many people who reject this movie do so because they are far removed from the lifestyle of these characters. These people exist in every city and town. You may not know them...you sometimes see them as you drive by in your air-conditioned Nissan Altima, but they are there. Don't judge them because of their circumstance. They have hearts and souls as you do. Granted, they dress differently from you, don't work 9 to 5, do not have the VALUES as you, but they are like you in that they can't help who they fall in love with.

Take these same souls and put them in Pine Vally and you have a very base All My Children soap opera.

What I loved about this film aside from the acting which was good, was that the director captured the physicality and desparation of the people and their lives...the sum of their choices or lack there of.

If you haven't viewed this film do so with an open mind...or go to your local cinemaplex and watch Transformers (or, some other "Blockbuster" movie), which you will later recommend to all your friends.


So well put and you hit the nail on the head.
