MovieChat Forums > The Velocity of Gary (1999) Discussion > The worst movie...i have ever seen.

The worst movie...i have ever seen.

I just hated this movie. and no, im not a homophobic or a uptight prick. I really tried to finish this movie..but i just couldnt. i really couldnt. If someone payed me 50$ to sit through it, i would decline. Seriously. it was so baaaaad. Im sorry for ranting..but i just have to get it out. And how someone could possibly give this movie more than 3 stars is beyond me. The actors and the story and...Gah! <_> And when im saying worst movie i have ever seen, i just wanna add that ive seen "From Justin to Kelly".


I agree, this is probably one of the worse movies I have ever seen. It was nothing more than a "poor man's" RENT. Same basic story line, just without the great music. The acting was lame and unemotional. For those of you who were so impressed with the make out scenes, go to any low rent porn shop and you can find more titillating scenes in the 99 cents bargain bin.

Salma Hayak was not sultry like she usually is, and is probably embarrassed to have this on her resume. She was even better in "Dust to Dawn", Quentin Torrentino's worse movie.

The movie was a bomb, and the IMDB rating reflects it. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay to see it.


i thought this was really good ...then the deaf drag queen died and it turned to crap. so the first 8minutes is good. the rest is terrible


I think this film is horrible, but no worse than "From Justin to Kelly" and certainly worlds better than "Meet the Spartans." And yes, I've seen all three. But I digress: This film is horrible, pretentious, muddled and a real pain to sit through.


I agree, looking back on worst movies I've ever seen this has to rank up there at the top, primarily because of deceptive advertising. I was at the video shop a number of years ago when this thing was a new realease and was browsing for something to watch. The box of the video flaunted it as a story of the guy who played "Private Pyle" from Full Metal Jacket playing a porn star with Selma Hayek, I was expecting a cheap, but entertaining ripoff of Boogie Nights. Turns out it is about a poofter dying of aids and is one long snooze fest, totally opposite of what I expected. And I don't mind good movies about gays, that movie where Gary Oldman played a gay 60's British playwrite was fascinating, but this was horrendously boring.


I completely agree. A bunch of GSA friends and I had gotten together for a 'gay' movie night, so we specifically sought this movie out because of it's homosexual theme. I remember about half way through the movie we were all kind of looking at each other and going "Does anyone have any idea of what's going on?" We decided that since half way into the film, none of us had any idea of what the plot was.. or at least didn't seem to see the plot that was described on the box... it was time to eject the movie and put in something interesting.


I hated this too, and I'm gay. Thomas Jane was the only one who came out of this in an even halfway credible manner. Salma Hayek has never been more irritating, though most of the blame goes to the way her character is written. Vincent D'Onofrio can be terrific, but he's sure not here- sorry, but when you're playing a porn star, you need to have a hotter appearance, just for starters. I don't know what the whole point of the brief appearance of the deaf transsexual was - yet another very annoying character! Maybe the filmmakers' hearts were in the right place, but this is just pretentious claptrap.
