My Only Complaint...

...was the over usage of star power. George Clooney's name is on the cover, yet he's in the film for what, 15 seconds as he gives his little speech near the end?

Other than that, I thought the film did a great job at showing the horror and ridiculousness of war, while reminding us that the stage used for such absurd inhumane acts is the peaceful mother nature that gets by fine without a consistency of brutality as we have as humans. Also, good score and good conveying of emotions!


My problem with the film is the over use of the narrator. I think it was completly unnecessary.


First of all it was narrators, as in the fact that the voice overs were several different people. The similarity of their voices was intentional, intending to show the connection among all the men in Charlie Company as a metaphor or symbol of the commonality of existential experience for all humankind.

The content of the narration was not the usual kind of questionable voice over, where the narration tells us something that could have been shown. It was revealing the thoughts of hte men, and therefore had a valid purpose, not being easily handled otherwise.


First of all it was narrators, as in the fact that the voice overs were several different people. The similarity of their voices was intentional, intending to show the connection among all the men in Charlie Company as a metaphor or symbol of the commonality of existential experience for all humankind.

Good info.

I was really confused about who narrator was at any time :)
