MovieChat Forums > The Thin Red Line (1999) Discussion > Saw it for a second time, and I have to ...

Saw it for a second time, and I have to say, it sucked just as hard

I saw it for the first time a few years back, came here, read some stuff on it, here, various reviews. It's an allegory, blah, blah. I picked up most of what I read while watching it, but not all. But I still didn't like it. Mallick is absolutely bashing us over the head with this stuff, and I don't need to get bashed. He could have cut out 90% of the nature scenes, three-quarters of the touchy-feely dialogue, and I still would have gotten his messages. In plain English, the movie sucked. Okay.

I like to let a movie stew for a while before going back to it, so I can forget it a bit, see it with semi-fresh eyes. Just saw it again. Nothing's changed. It still blows.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Can't win 'em all.


"Saw it for a second time, and I have to say, it sucked just as hard"

Its your trademark.....sucking hard that is.....just like your daughter.


I bought the DVD in 2006, watched it when I was 23, found it dull and pretentious. 9 years later, I sat down and watched it. Blown away by the cinematography, but absolutely disappointed in the film itself. Like others have said, pretentious, pseudo philosophical, and totally trite. For those calling this the greatest war movie, what message does this film send that other, in my opinion, far more entertaining films, does not? Nothing new to see here, not a single memorable character or scene. I rated it at as a 6 on IMDB, but I'm thinking this is more 5 territory.


In one word, what would you decide is the "Meaning" of TTRL?? Other than its beatiful cinematography, great acting and powerful emotions TTRL is mainly about ONE central theme... And its not War


By the way you sound, here and elsewhere, you very much do need some bashing over the head. Okay.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Why, thank you!

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
