YOU got too lonely?!?!?


Just wow.


I know. I teared up.


Same. That part made my cry pretty hard


What scene is this?

"Mr. Lahey. Is that you or the liquor talking?"
"Randy... I AM THE LIQUOR!"


The one where Bell (Ben Chaplin) gets the letter from his wife asking for a divorce.


I still hate her.

What a *beep* thing to do.

"In this world a man, himself, is nothing. And there ain't no world but this one."


He's WAY better off without her. That woman is a skank.


War is hard. For everyone. And wasn't it exquisite that she fell in love with an Airforce Captain?



I dig your rap Fantard, but from a woman's perspective may I just suggest…

That hotass piece of meat is probably worth waiting for, and when he gets back he'll probably be so mind-f*@%ed that he's practically a different person anyway… maybe even a lil' freakier.

Frankly, it sounds kind of hot.


Besides, Fantard, it has to do with standards. A woman shouldn't be a with a man she wasn't willing to wait for, or with a man who she didn't have total faith would be able to fulfill her desires. Vice versa, nor should a man.

A woman must first know herself before she understands her desires, or commits herself to a situation she didn't initially grasp and can't live up to. Not everyone is smart enough to avoid situations that they won't perform well in, such as a relationship where the dynamic is another person's life/heart/mind.

In the same token, a man should know himself before he commits, and he should be smart enough to judge whether or not this woman has the strength of character to be true. Both parties are subject in these relationship situations, and it's best to understand that, rather than let our emotions/beliefs/past experiences get in the way.



Spot on.


I recall reading after the war a church leader said married couples should start over and forget any transgressions stemming from wartime. Applied both to overseas folk and the homefront.
