From 1:27 to 1:57

Can rival any film in history over any given 30 minute span. It's possibly the greatest half hour I may have experienced in my film watching career.

It's easily up there with the last 30 minutes of The Good, Bad and the Ugly (my favorite film of all time btw), it rivals the final 30 minutes of T-2 and 2001 ASO. It rivals the opening 20 minutes of Inglorious Basterds and the Children of Men long take.

Well, I do think though that The Godfather's last 30 minutes was pretty remarkable as soon as the words "Do you renounce Satan" are spoken...

But honestly, this half hour of The Thin Red Line was just flawless on all levels. I kind of wish it didn't happen so early in the film. It's amazing to think that this and SPR came out in the same year. Incredible films by incredible filmmakers.


I agree with you. The camp attack scene is just unbelievable, one of the greatest movie scenes ever. I get goosebumps every time. It's just such a powerful and beautiful film. Greatest war film ever IMO.
