How the actual *beep*!?

How the *beep* does this movie only have 7.6/10 on IMDb!? This is perhaps the greatest war movie ever made! It even beats Saving Private Ryan and Full Metal Jacket. The movie is just so great! The cast, the music from Zimmer, the cinematography, the landscape shots and the visuals. And it also feels so authentic in the way it portrays the war and the soldiers from both sides. I'm shocked that this didn't won many Oscars! Should have gotten best picture, best original score and cinematography! God damn this movie is great, 9/10 and really close to a 10/10 in my opinion!


i am also flabbergasted at the rating for this movie, should be in the top 250 at the least

it was one of the most awe inspiring movies i've ever seen


I love it, too, but you read some comments here, and have to conclude it is not for everyone.
