Terrible Movie

It was bloated and boring without a plot, and I shut it off after an hour and a half. Thank god it was on DVD and I didn't waste my money and time at the movies.


Malick's style isn't for everyone. I think it's one of the best movies ever made.

I am Senor Velasco, I drink my milk with tabasco


A film like this doesn't need an exciting plot. It's about portraying life, nature, war, fear and love in the most powerful and beautiful way. The heart of the film is within the music, the footage, those great green hills, the men who fights war, the nature sorrounding it all. That's what makes it a great film. If you've just had kept watching for another 20 minutes or so, you would have seen one of the most brilliant and powerful movie scenes ever, the attack on the Japanese camp. This film is great, and you should really consider give it another try now when you know the style of it, or you can choose not to, all I'm saying is that you got it all wrong.


Why bother with an hr and a half
It's garbage

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