Every time...

Watched this film wuite a few times and admittedly it's not an "easy" film to watch, but every time I hear the Melanesian choir music I just get shivers. THats got to be one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard in a film. What are your favourite movie soundtracks?


Hans Zimmer is a genius


are my other favorite movie soundtracks from Zimmer


Basically everything by Hans Zimmer, the man is a genius. Also Braveheart & Legends Of The Fall by James Horner, Ennio Morricone's The Mission, The Good, The Bad.., Cinema Paradiso & other of his italian "love themes". John Williams' Jurassic Park, Munich, Schindler's List, Hymn To The Fallen, Thomas Newman's Road To Perdition, Shawshank Redemption. How To Train Your Dragon by John Powell, LOTR by Howard Shore, The Theory Of Everything by Jóhann Jóhansson. And many more!


That's a heck of a question
Having just rewatched the good the bad and the ugly. I'd say that's up there as well

