pro military message

American movies have always this pattern I noticed. We have a crazy colonel or general giving crazy orders to the point he almost becomes a demon. At this point the soldiers want to rebel against his authority. Then they actually win the battle, life goes on whatever the crazy things you have done to win that battle. Moral of the story, always follow the crazy general, never rebel against army' hierarchy. I saw this pattern in "Master and Commander".


I have heard this movie called many things, but 'pro-military' is not one of them.


did you somehow missed the point in the movie where the company captain refuse to obey the colonels ludicrous order to charge into the meat grinder?.
other then that,if this movie is doing anything than it is absolutely not glorifying the act of war or being a soldier


What movies have you been watching? The crazy officer giving orders and men rebelling against his authority is a pattern for some movies sure... but in almost all those movies that general/officer ends up dying or being court marshaled or something bad happening to him... like getting beaten to hell by a shovel in Platoon...


The OP is a moron. For a few good laughs check out some of their other posts on different boards. You'll have tears flowing from laughing so hard.


"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson




If you think this is a pro-military movie then , in my opinion, you didn't understand this movie.

Can you think of examples which you would consider pacifist war movies as well as what you'd consider pro-military movie? Just curious.



Then you have not seen too many American war movies.
