Robert Patricks Shades

Did anyone notice the shades he put on right at the end of the movie when the sun came up? I chuckled to myself cause naturally Terminator 2 came to mind. And to top it off the other guy he walked over to even said something along the lines of "nice shades". Which from memory is what his Terminator said to the boy who was wearing them before he took them. A great humorous reference i thought :)


"And to top it off the other guy he walked over to even said something along the lines of "nice shades". Which from memory is what his Terminator said to the boy who was wearing them before he took them. A great humorous reference i thought :) "

that's some bad memory. I don't remember him stealing sunglasses from a boy in T2. He does steal a bike from a guy and he says "Say, that's a nice bike", but that's not what you said.


He said "nice shades" because he didn't realize they were his. Or maybe he did and just didn't care. Anyway, if you watch the move you'll notice Buck steals them early on.
