'Movies about life'

Okay, so I saw this movie awhile back on Netflix, and I think it belongs to a special category of movies which I like to call "Life movies". They're movies where characters have to deal with things that a lot of us have to deal with at some point in our lives. In this particular case, it would be dealing with the shame of working a sh*tty job at a pizza joint, trying to figure out what you want to do with life, looking back and reflecting on the past and worrying about the future. To me, that's a life movie.

Another good example is Beautiful Girls. The characters are usually at some sort of crossroads in their life in which they have to stop messing around and go down a path and follow it. In Beautiful Girls, one character has to stop messing around with his ex gf from high school and realize that the glory days are over. Another has this wild notion that he could have a potential future relationship with a young girl, only to realize that what he's doing is trying not to grow up, being afraid of the future. Another has to suck it up and finally get over his cheating ex gf. The stories are typically simple in "life" movies, but they're touching, charming, and a delight to watch if you ask me.

So, agree or disagree? What other movies would you categorize as "Life" movies?
