Larry David Cameos?

I saw him as the TV executive, but where was he playing the "annoying doctor"? The only annoying doctor I can think of was the doctor who wouldn't hold the elevator, but that wasn't Larry.



Darn, I never noticed that. Gotta check it out.

"All records are not made to be broken." -- Karl Malone


You can't see him really, well you can, but hardly - just his glasses. He has a surgeon mask on. You can totally recognize his voice though.


...of the Friends type show, also.


"...of the Friends type show, also. "

You mean "Guys and Gals"? Could you please elaborate? I didn't see him in that show, but if you specify a place, it'd be easier to find without having to rewatch the whole movie.

I did, however, spot him in the beginning of the "bums living in the house" scene, singing the 'Guys and Gals' theme, dancing down the stairs - at least possibly. I am not completely sure if it's him or not, but I am sure it's possible.

