Wait, Wait, Wait...

Why did they have to throw the fight? I've been trying to wrap my head around it for awhile now and I can't figure it out. What makes it doubley confusing is that Lincoln Tyler (the boxer) pretty much ruins it for Gary Sinise when he picks up his head at the sound of the gunshots. Sooooo...what's the deal? Did they decide, "hey, we'll kill the secretary of defense and we'll make a few extra bucks while we're at it..."???

That's it man, game over man, game over, man! Game over!


I think with the boxer down, there would be a distraction, and a better shot at the guy....but yeah, the money thing probably had something to do wit it too.

Stella D'Oro breakfast treats. Snack Time anytime.




Thank you, that explains everything. Much appreciated.

That's it man, game over man, game over, man! Game over!
