Can someone explain?

I'm not a native English speaker so because I couldn't understand what they were saying (because of the accent) I may have skipped out on a few of the main points. Why did the guys destroy Beaufield Nutbeem ship? Why was Quoyle so keen on finding out about Wavey Prowse marriage? What for was Wavey Prowse angry at Quoyle? Who was the crazy old guy with the dog? Why does Quoyle history of his ancestors affects him at all? What was the deal with his daughters out of body experiences?


I think they destroyed Nutbeam's ship because they didn't want him to leave.

Quoyle was trying to come to terms with his lost relationship and talking about Wavey's helped him. Also he was interested in her feelings toward this lost spouse.

The old guy was a relative of Quoyle's. The movie was about how your past determines who you are. Therefore your ancestors are important in your life journey.


The movie was about how your past determines who you are. Therefore your ancestors are important in your life journey.

True. However, the message continued that while the past cannot be changed, your future can be determined by you...and your choices affect those that will come after you. We all have a responsibility in the timeline. :)

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I agree with everything said above.

Wavey was angry because she didn't want Quoyle becoming a drunken sod like her ex and some of the other males in the area.

The daughter's experiences, like Quoyle's flashback dreams, serve to emphasize the strength of the family's links to that piece of coast throughout history.🐭
