Reboot this series!

I have always loved these games... quite possibly my all time favorites. I couldn't have been any more excited when I heard they were finally making the movie. And then it was released and the disappoint set in. Then they made a 2nd and a 3rd and finally a 4th. These movies are good for what they are, but they are NOT Resident Evil. The movies in no way represent the game's tone, storyline or characters. Essentially these movies have nothing to do with the games except for the fact there are zombies in them.
The games had a tense unique story and the movies went a complete different direction. Instead of making thriller/horror movies with some intense action scenes, they made action movies with some "scary" makeup.
I would love to see the games turned into a TV series. Each game could be its own season. The Walking Dead is the perfect example of how to do this. They openned the door and have shown that people will watch suspenseful horror shows if done right.
What's really scary is the storyline is already written and somehow Paul W.S. Anderson has managed to change it so drastically that it doesn't resemble RE in the slightest. All that would have to be done is convert the game's story into a well written script. S.D. Perry has novelized the games (and even wrote some of her own storylines) and they are pretty good, so I know its possible.
I wish they would just reboot this series and do it right.
Anybody else?


YES. you said it dead on. I liked the movies, but they don't feel right. A better route would have been to convert the Perry Novels into screenplays.


a reboot? *beep* i hope not, if anything i would hope it just keeps going, especially since they made it look like there will be another one after the 4th


Too early to reboot.


Tell that to Spiderman


Oh, dont worry, thy reboot 2 year old movies an remake 0,5 year old ones nowadays. nothing is too early in the cash-grubbing hollywood anymore.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Spider-man was 5 years after the last horrible Spider-man movie. Batman Begins was 7. Is 7 the comfortable number now?


Nope! I liked the movies. They should not be a straight adaption of the games, that is too boring. Instead enjoy them for what they are, mindless entertainment for an action junkie.

After all be completely honest, do you like every single aspect of the game? Plus if they did stick to the games I bet there would be people complaining that the producers are so uncreative that they couldn't make their own stories.



You must be kidding.

I am a die hard fan of the video games and played all but number 5, but if the wrong actor was cast you would be the first one to whine that they got a *beep* actor for the role of Leon/Chris/Claire/Jill even if it was a good script.

Also like someone else said, Hollywood can't just keep making reboots. They need to come up with original ideas.

Even if they did stick to the original stories of the games you would still whine about it. There is no perfect game/comic movie.



I noticed you didn't list any of these great movies with minor imperfections.

You made it sound like every die hard resident evil fan hates these movies and they should be made better. I doubt there are that many good directors who want to dive into the horror/game series. 85% of the time these directors especially nowadays are more excited at jumping into a comic/video game and put the things they themselves liked in the game/comic.

( Games and comics are getting thrown in the same catergory since this seems to always be the case when it comes to people complaining about the movie adaptions)

I really don't think this will see a reboot for many years to come since there are better original zombie movies. ( Zombieland> Resident Evil). On the other hand Hollywood really is buried in the asses of nerds since we seem to have more adaptions so other "die hard" Resident Evil fans might get their wish and get a bad reboot just like Spiderman and Tomb Raider

These Resident Evil movies are not Academy Award movies; they're just mindless movies with some mindless action scenes. They shouldn't be viewed if a fan was strictly looking for a close storyline to the games. You must not have read the reviews when they came out.

Your rebuttal was almost good until I saw The Departed quote. Next time be original.



Alice ruined the movies, just sayin


the Harry Potter movies, LOTR movies, and Watchmen are all boring. They were all faithful adaptations. Yes they have changed minor details and left out minor events to make things work in the movie medium, but those movies for the most part kept their same back stories and remained faithful to the source.

You're an idiot, they're all books!

By your reasoning the pirates of the Caribbean series should stay faithful to its original concept... hmmm, an hour and a half watching a boat rock back and fourth... FOOL!!!


you listed all books you cant compare book and game adaptations because the orginal mediums are nothing alike


'you listed all books you cant compare book and game adaptations because the orginal mediums are nothing alike.'

Jaw drop. Aside from the fact you absorb the plots differently they're not that unalike. Both take longer to tell a story than a film, the main difference is Games have already done half the work for a film adaption. Showing characters, setting and tone. But if this is the case then why not adapt S.D.Perry's novelisations. Lets even be nice to the Milovanichie fans and call these films 'Bio-Hazard'.


'Nope! I liked the movies. They should not be a straight adaption of the games, that is too boring. Instead enjoy them for what they are, mindless entertainment for an action junkie.'.....

What a retarded comment. So an adaption of the storyline is boring you just want mindless action entertainment. THEN WHY *beep* MAKE THE FILMS 'RESIDENT EVIL'??? What's the point of securing franchise rights if you don't even want to make something that resembles the game? They could have made a film called 'Action Girl Vs. The B.O.Ws' and you'd still be happy, I'd be happy too because I wouldn't be watching a franchise I liked shat all over.

Love to see Lord of the Rings fans react to a film where the hobbits where kung-fu experts and the plot no longer had a ring. 'Hey guys wouldn't to adapt the novel that'd be boring, hey enjoy our cgi and boobs.'


Haha, you made my day, truth in every word !

OT : I'd love to see a reboot that actually follows the game story and has the game characters / character arcs. To me, these films aren't Resident Evil in anything but the name. The RE-series represent the very meaning of "Survival Horror", and any filmversions should do its best to represent that.

I was happy to hear they were making a RE movie way back in the late 90's, and anticipated the mansion, the first games' plot, the characters and everything. Instead, they gave me an action flick with a superheroine, no characters from the game, poorly done acting and a *beep* story... I was sad.

So yes, I'd vote for a reboot, if that meant someone would make a Resident Evil movie that follows the game plots & places.


"They should not be a straight adaption of the games, that is too boring".

I'm sorry but are you INSANE !?
What are you talking about !?

Let me explain something to you. I myself am a hardcore fan of Resident Evil. It's my favorite game franchise because it has an awesome story, good characters, cool monsters and you do get scared a lot.

It's nothing like the movies where they get the story completely wrong, it drowned in plotholes, it makes big mistakes that never happened in the games and it gets a lot of stuff wrong.

For example: How can you make a movie about Resident Evil and not even have a single character from the games in it. That's just stupid. Why do we have to create our own killer computer who's the big villain. BUMP. And why do you introduce creatures that do not appear until Resident Evil 2 !?

I'll stop now before i get really angry.

I'm sorry i'm ranting a bit but as a loving, hardcore fan of the games i know what it's about and what i wanna see (no, what you should see) in a movie or movies.


Reboots suck. People are running out of ideas or what?

I don't know why after 10 years or so some idiot comes up with the idea of "rebooting" a franchise.

Make new movies or let it die. Stop making the same crap all over again.



lets wait more 8, 10 years, and than Milla will get old

that's the only franchise that gaves the spotlights to Milla, so she will wanna to make more 2 movies

and everybody knows that Paul anderson only make these movies to make his wife happy...


Hey guys,

When I originally said I want a reboot, I was not condoning reboots. I think most reboots/remakes getting made are highly unnecessary and disappointing. But when I and many many others throughly enjoy the RE games and then watch these movies, it's saddening. If these movies were made without extorting the popularity of the games, I would probably enjoy them much more. They lured many fans into theaters just by using the RE name to make a quick buck. I understand that making movies is a business and you need to make a profit but everything doesn't need to be so "cookie cutter". IMO, These movies could have made just as much (if not more) money if they had some intrigrity.
As I said before, the movies are decent as mindless action/zombie movies, but they are certainly not Resident Evil. I enjoy mindless action movies as much as the next guy but I also like movies that they put some creativity into.
All I'm saying is, they don't have to reboot the series immediately but when they do (and eventually they will), I would just hope that they do them the right way. And by "right way", I mean based on the actual games.


To menace:

Perfectly said. You took the words right outta my mouth. I know I'm replying to a year old post but I just joined IMDB recently. I came on this board to make the same topic :-) I've been such a HUGE fan of the RE GAMES ever since it was 1996 and I was 14 yrs old. When the movie was released I was excited. Then I watched it and was extremely disappointed. What's even worse is that I think these crap MOVIES have even forced the GAMES to become more "actiony" to bring in new fans who enjoyed the movies! Hell, maybe I'll make that a new discussion topic on one of these boards . I've played virtually EVERY game except RE5. Too much action and damn near zero horror.

"My-(bite)-power is so discombobulatingly devastating..." : )


If comics like Spider-Man and Batman can be re-booted less tha 10 years after there debut then I see no reason why not to re-boot this awful franchise. This cheesy action-girl matrix/aliens rip off directed by a hack who used his film camera to get laid.

It's a sad state of affairs when playstation one graphics with no moving lips did a better job than the actors. Probably be best if Capcom just did animated films themselves.


I like the first and the second RE but not for the 3rd and 4th- those were awful to watch!


I have to disagree about the first film I think it does resemble the games except for tone for me it did everything a film based on a video game like Resident evil should do; it created a new storyline with new characters, it introduced itself to a new audience that had not heard of said game without making the gamers repeat a story they already saw, it gave cool nods to the franchise that us fan boys can smile about, it entertained us, scared us a bit (or at least me), it didn't try to add characters from the franchise into its storyline solely for fan service (a mistake later made by its 3 sequels), and most importantly, it made itself seem like it was part of the same canon of the video game and fitting just fine (My geek out moment was when they said "Take him to the Nemesis Program"). So for me, the first one did it all right, its the sequels that screwed it up. Although i did enjoy Apocalypse and Extinction because they were entertaining, Afterlife was *beep* in every form of the word.


I'm working on completeting a story for a reboot script that I'm calling "Rise of the Progenitor".
