MovieChat Forums > Le violon rouge (1999) Discussion > This Movie reminds me of 'Babel'

This Movie reminds me of 'Babel'

When i watch this Movie its like the "Musical" version of 'Babel'

Even if it's only the various Stories around the World, linked together in a way. I feel some similarity .

It's very beautyfull Movie

*Edit* Reason's Discovered:
- Different Story's all over the World, linked together by an Object. Instead of a Gun it's a Violin.

- All People speak in their original Language, no dubbing or subtitles.

Thats everything so far, yet enough to prove this suspect. These two Element's are what give 'Babel' the originality.

Allright, one little Problem here. Babel was made later than this Movie. This Means Babel could have got some inspiration here.


Cept Babel was garbage....

Those foolish enough to move from canada to america increase the average I.Q. of both countries


I agree Babel aint got nuthin on The Red Violin. People watch a movie with subtitles because its got Brad Pitt then they think they are all cultured and *beep* lol. Babel was a mediocre film at best.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit.


If you enjoy movies with different stories intertwined as one, you should definately check out "Crash" and "Magnolia" if you haven't already.

Relax @
