The ogre's butt!

The Nostalgia Critic riff on that line had me in tears.

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I could never understand why that was in there. Even when I was seven.

A little kid behind me laughed when I watched in in the theaters. Maybe it was for him? Either way, I still wanted my lunch back. Several trips to McDonalds to stomach that food for the Happy Meal toys wasted. D:

Nathaniel: Sire, do yourself?
Edward: What's not to like?


I made the unfortunate mistake of rewatching this last week (coincidentally before the NC got ahold of it) and when that line came up, I literally, out loud, said "WHAT THE F--K WERE YOU THINKING GARY?" and it's nice to see NC agreed with me, as he basically said the same thing in so many words.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Nostalgia Critic just cracks me up, I love that guy. Imagine that just randomly say that around someone and see what they would say back if you just all of a sudden said, "The ogre's butt"



"The ogre's butt", and "I WAS FROZEN TODAY!"

"Andy! You goonie!"


And, "HEIL......HITLER!"

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That's my favorite part of the movie. It makes no sense lol. Nostalgia critic nailed how random and stupid it was, especially coming from Gary Oldman


that whole scene is just hilariously epic!


I was just going to write a topic about this! I wonder how much they paid Oldman for that line? Will he have that carved on his tombstone?


I loved the NC's take on it too.
I guess what they were going for is a phrase of exasperation. Like when something goes wrong humans say 'for gods sake!'
Theirs was 'the ogres butt!'. :P


I didn't think the line was too random. I always saw it as the Ogre sat on Ruber, and the Griffin. So naturally, Ruber disgustedly groans "The ogre's butt", because they're under an ogre's ass. Then, the griffin says "at least things can't get any worse." And Ruber asks him if he wants to bet. That's when the ogre farts, and we see the 2 of them shot down through the cave, with fumes around them.

So, the line never caused any confusion for me, and didn't seem random.


I thought the same thing
