Why in the hell!?

Would Liz Hurley allow that junkie bastard to take that newborn and in a car no less? I mean, if you can't finad anybody, anybody, maybe let that junkie loser come over to the house and babysit the kid, but put that infant in a car with a loser that is either strung out or looking to score? Please!


Totally agree. Said the same thing when it happened.

Not too believable.



Sadly though, this sort of thing happens a lot.



Well, being a biography this sadly happened. Read the book- though if this bothered you it may not be something you want to read. Unfortunately love, relationships, and drugs will make people do things that make no sense. Its like the wife who takes back the abusive husband again and again. Watching from the "sidelines" makes us want to scream, but when you are wearing their shoes there is a warped sense of reality. And for the drug addict, things make absolute sense when the next "train called withdrawl" comes around the corner...speaking from "heroin hell" experience...


You're a junkie loser.


Totally agree. Said the same thing when it happened.

Not too believable.

It's totally believable. She had a baby with the junkie in the first place. She obviously thought that she could change him.


Because she's stupid.
