why this movie sucked Pt1

dumb quotes like "i've been to a >bar mitzvah< before it doesn't make me jewish"

how would you know, you ain't a jew, you haven't grown up in their culture and partake in their ceremonies and grown up as a child to adulthood eating their food and spoken THEIR language.

but of course a white person (or overal westerners) would say that, always wanting to seem smart but ends up being self-tighteous. So desperately pushing for people to be admit they're gay, a quick example (and there's probably millions of examples) is the adult cartoon "drawn together"...why is there always people or groups of friends so desperate to OUT someone "yes your gay trust me"

how do you know he is? i've seen tons of guys who act prissie and girlie and skinny but are straight...besides even if they ARE gay, whats it to you? why do you feel its your DUTY to go on a mission to make them join a field of sausage lovers? i hate these hypocritical people (who ironically are usually straight)

***BACK TO THE POINT**.............

"i've been to a >bar mitzvah< but it doesn't make me jewish"

reallY lisa ?? hmmm well i'm sure if your attracted in the opposite sex (whilst sexuality attracted to the same sex) ENOUGH to both SCREW them (cheater) and ALSO get them pregnant...trust me i'm sure his bi-sexual. Plus i think the so-called "gay person" would know better then you (as usual the dumb individualist straight person thinks they knows best i.e lisa's character)



Why this post sucks:

The fact that you divided it into two posts.

It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.


Why this post sucks:

The fact that you divided it into two posts.

Yep, *that's* the only reason it sucks LOL.


Wow, that was pretty "self-tighteous" of you.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Go back on tumblr!



I'm pretty sure Lisa didn't write that line.
