MovieChat Forums > The Million Dollar Hotel (2000) Discussion > Someone clarify please, did Izzy rape El...

Someone clarify please, did Izzy rape Eloise?

My copy of the movie had terrible sound, and it didn't help that key parts people muffled...



Not only did he rape Eloise, he did it to hurt Tom Tom whom he knew was in love with Eloise. That's how Izzy manipulated Tom Tom into 'dropping' him off the roof.


Thanks, I didn't even know there was a reason behind the rape, totally missed that.


Yeah, there was a lot to it. I probably missed some myself.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Izzy initially raped her because he was jealous of Tom Tom (the way Tom Tom loved her the way she was). Izzy wanted to prove she was dirty & worthless. Then later he tells Tom Tom to make him mad on the roof. Izzy was a seriously screwed up individual.


I'll have to re-watch, but I felt Izzy only said that to let Tom let him go guilt free.

Tom didn't push him and was trying to convince him to not jump. This may be Izzy simply giving Tom reason to feel ok with his decision to end his life.

There are inclinations throughout the movie that something happened, consensual or otherwise, between Izzy and Eloise.
