Isn't Monica Potter excellent?.

I love Monica Potter. She is so overlooked. I have her in this movie, and 'Head Over Heels'. She is very funny, and gorgeous. I also love 'I'm With Lucy'. I wish Hollywood would use her more often. She is such a natural beauty. I love her romantic comedies, and she was great in 'Patch Adams' and 'Along Came a Spider' too. What do you guys think of her?.

ps: Joseph Fiennes is very hot!!!



I've seen "I'm with Lucy" and "Head over heels".
But the first one was much, much better.
She was so cute and her acting was amazing.
Before these films I didn't even know her.
I agree with you that the filmmakers should work more often with her
otherwise her great talent would be completely wasted.
What was your favourite Monica-Movie?


perhaps its her that chooses to stay out of the spot light!

Just go and have a bloody good laugh!- Sophie, Peep show



I'm with Lucy is alright but it's not a patch on this film...stick with a copy of this


NO!! I thought she was wooden in this film. Sorry I haven't seen anything else with her in so can only go with what I have seen.

"You can't tell the heart, the heart hopes even when it's hopeless"
