Such a great film!

I just watched this for the first time and was absolutely blown away. The way it was structured, the writing, etc ... such a good film!
And I'm not usually a fan of romantic comedies.

Potter & Fiennes had such great charisma - pleasure to watch.
Potter is such an underrated talent, it's a shame she isn't offered more roles like this, instead of films like HEAD OVER HEELS or ALONG CAME A SPIDER

(Although I did like her in 'I'm with Lucy')

I loved this movie and I'm going to see it again soon



This movie is much better than any Julia Roberts romantic comedy (exept Notting Hill). Fantastic!


I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Joseph Fiennes in this movie


And what about monica Potter, she is so charming in this movie that it is incredible.


it was a real enjoyable film... I didn't want to get off my couch to go the bathroom because I was afraid I'd miss a seen with Joseph and Monice, casue they really did have a lot of chemistry.


What about Rufus Sewell, ok he doesn't have a huge part and the fight scenes were hilarious but this was the first time I had seen a film with him in and now I am hooked. I have seen Nine of his films and he is superb in all off them


Make that eleven films now.

"You can't tell the heart the heart hopes even when it's hopeless"


Rufus is a wonderful actor.
One of my favorites!

Joseph is great too

and I'm a huge fan of monica potter (top 3 actresses imo)


This is true, Rufus is Superb in every film he is in.

"You can't tell the heart, the heart hopes even when it's hopeless"



I am so far beyond eve enjoying chick flicks, but this one had me from the start. It was probably the accents, but I saw all three leading men in a different light in this lighter fair. And Monica Potter was good too, best I've seen from her (and frightening like Julia Roberts too...). It was just a very enjoyable experience, and I'm not ashamed to say it.




A nice romantic comedy. Greetings.


heh.. Yeah this movie is truly great it is one of my favourite movies.
The only reason I watched this movie is because I have been told that I look a bit like Joseph Finnes and the movie is a comedy, also Monica potter is a very fine woman.
I watched it and the movie feels a lot like my life, I grew up with childhood friends that I have grown apart from but still meet, I am quite sensitive but I do not really show it, and even thou some people annoy me I will still help them, yeah I’ll stop here but there is still a lot that I feel that I can relate to.
So I’m just waiting for a woman from the other side of the globe to come into my life…

A very good movie.

Imagine that you have been told that you look like a certain celeb and that celeb is in a movie living a life that you can relate to.

