The Bakshi LotR Ring Wraiths were far scarier than Jackson's.

I love both versions, but the wraiths in the animated version were far more sinister, in my view.

Was Jackson trying not to scare his audience? At the time I remember the arguments about letting their kids and teenagers watch it.


The Bakshi movie was on the whole a little more gritty and darker than Jackson’s films, although I quite liked how huge the horses appeared in this movie.


I'm not sure I'd say they were scarier, but they were certainly weird and creepy. Jackson's were more intimidating and formidable.

The way the nazgul shuffles over to where the hobbits are hiding beneath the tree roots is disturbing. It just looks sick and inhuman...

Bakshi's Lord of the Rings has a tonne of problems, but not as many as people claim and it has a lot of really great parts, too.


That is a good way to distinguish them; Bakshi's were weird and creepy; Jackson's were more formidable and imposing.


I think I agree up to a point; In Fellowship they were very well portrayed and there was a sinister eeriness to them that I think was somewhat lacking in part 2 and 3. Their use in all the films was effective to say the least.

I think I agree somewhat that the wraiths in the cartoon were a bit more creepy and scared me more But I saw the Bakshi LOTR as young kids on TV I think like 6 or 7 (sometime in the late 80's when VHS was not common yet); I like almost 20 when I saw already when I saw Fellowship; damn just realized I will be 40 soon.
