Favorite scene?

One of mine was in the Nocturne with no moon scene with “the girls” father

“life is immense!….can you understand that! …immense”



When he plays a Tarantella for the Italian passengers.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


I like when "1900" helps Max get over his sea sickness during the storm. He takes the breaks off the piano and lets it slide all over the ballroom until it crashes through that glass wall! I love that part! It looks like a lot of fun!


Ha I agree! That has to be my favourite scene as well. "Hello Captian!" Tim Roth is so fantastic. Not so much as an "oops" when he busts through the wall.


By far the part when 1900 recorded that song . Fantastic song


I liked the part where 1900 meets Max right at the end, and tells him the joke when he goes to St. Peters gates.. Funny, but sad at the same time

Although the duel was magnificent as well


the ending.. very sad and meaningful!

make money, not war


I think my 2 favourite scenes both involve the piano.

The first scene that I loved was when '1900' take Max for a ride on the piano during the storm before crashing through the glass wall.

My other favourite scene is just after the piano duel when '1900' lights a cigarette from the piano strings!

I'll trade with anyone who has a jaccuzzi!!!! (Janice, The Muppets Take Manhattan, 1984)



The duel scene

Marvada pinga que me a-trapaaaia!


1. The sea sickness scene
2. The duel with Jellyroll
3. *beep* the regulations!

Thinkers fly planes. Believers crash them into skyscrapers.


My favourite scene would be the beginning, when the narrator explains how every guys' hearts race when they see "her" for the first time. I thought it would be referring to some love interest character, turns out it was referring to the Statue of Liberty. I'm not American, so it caught me off guard, really surprised me. Had to replay it again on the DVD.


mine would either be the piano of its brakes/locks, or after the duel, the cigarette, and the line that goes something like, 'you smoke it, i dont know how' as well as the *beep* jazz.



1.) The piano duel scene
2.) The scene where Tim Roth was thinking twice about disembarking in New York
3.) When Tim Roth could not express to the young female passenger what he feels for her


The duel, hands down. LOVE the cigarette lighting. Sooooo classy.

"A good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely." ~ Rhett Butler


My favorite scene was definately when he recorded "Playing Love". It truly is a great scene, which truly depicts his feelings, and yearnings for the girl, and as she walks away, his sadness ends the piece perfectly.

The entire movie is one great scene after another, but this one really stands out in my opinion.

Help! Satan! You owe me!


when the camera is craning around the piano during a storm
