For all of the H20 fans...

Something that just occurred to me (and I'm sure its been mentioned before) the other day regarding this movie being the last in the series. It basically ignores Halloween 4-6. In that same manner, it could also, in true H20 fashion, ignore the Resurrection heresy that came after it. Problem solved. The true end of the series is right here. Enjoy!!



I wish I could, but with all the Scream nods, from score to TV scene from Scream 2, the feel, etc. Not to mention horrible actors ex. Curtis and Leigh, the mask, it all just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. As bad as Res. was, it had a better Michael, mask, score, even the house and Haddonfield itself. That to me saved it and made it better than H20. No Scream nods. Failure or not, it was actually a Halloween feel film.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


Not to mention horrible actors ex. Curtis and Leigh
LOL JLC was excellent in H20! One of her finest performances

That to me saved it and made it better than H20.
Dude, Resurrection is an awful turd of a movie. H20 is superior in every possible way.


If it were a Halloween movie and not a Scream clone, I'd agree. But to me, Resurrection still had a better Michael in Loree, a better score that wasn't Scream's Beltrami and much hotter women IMO. That alone saves it from being a turd. Plus in Haddonfield, the actual Myers house and not in CA and if stuff had been real, it would've been better too.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


[deleted], that's delusional and unrealistic. Just because the prequels to Star Wars are hated, they happened. Crystal Skull can not be unseen. They exist, are treated as canon, even the remake and it's sequel of Halloween as bad as they are did happen. Can't put blinders on, ignore and pretend they didn't happen. Box sets don't lie. Plus, you can't control other people's minds to follow your own version of reality. If the topic comes up, you can't just go la la la can't hear you.

That's not how reality or the world works. Sorry.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN




I didn't say that. 4-6 did happen. You can't ignore that. For their time, they worked. But once Pleasnece died, they didn't work. There's a huge difference between completely ignoring a film's existence and accepting reality. Reality is, once Pleasence died, Loomis and that story was dead. Even without his death, Tommy et al departed for parts unknown with no way to find them. Not even Loomis knew. So he wouldn't have had a file.

What you don't seem to get is that if it wasn't for JLC wanting to do an anniversary movie, H20 would've never happened, but it did. And in doing so, it became successful, which prompted money hungry Hollywood to want another film. You saw how that turned out because it happened.

Again, for their time, H20 & Res. and JLC herself were the only way the franchise could've continued. No stars, no success. Not even Myers himself would carry a movie without them. Also, I really don't like the remake or the sequel but I don't pretend they don't exist. I don't watch them, but they happened. 2 Imdb pages prove that. Now if it was like Dead Calling, which never came out, that's different. But all these films did. Theatrically.

So bottom line, apples and oranges. Nice try though. You cannot alter history, but you can retcon it in films to suit your purpose. Just ask the kissing sibling Luke and Leia Skywalker.

Or the only child Jason Voorhee's sister, Diana.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN



In parts, but not as a whole. 5 was too mistake ridden, rushed and needed polish. 6 took too long, too many cooks/visions/versions. I understand why they recast Jamie, but it didn't help matters. Scores were great, some of the actors were great, feel was dark and Halloween-ish. Enjoyed them at the time, but less now.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


dave you need a life, i just came here after a year (i only visit around halloween cause thats when i watch the film) and you're still here posting daily with your same 6 bullet points about hating this film because its a scream clone. seriously lol get out of your basement.


I have a life, what I don't do is go on message boards and insult people to make myself feel better, like you. You need a life of your own if you come here just to attack people to get your rocks off. As for bullet points, well, after 18 years, nothing has changed about the movie, nor my opinion of it, yet new people ask the same question, so they get the same answer. Does that make sense or is that too logical for you?

Besides, I'm not the one posting on a Thursday night without better things to do. I've had my night, where's yours?

So in other words, grow up, be a man and quite trying to bully people on a message board like some keyboard coward. It's pathetic. Until you can discuss things civilly and not be a dick, it's best for you to keep your mouth shut and quit proving how stupid you are.

It's doing your limited reputation no favors. And aren't you a little early? Halloween's over a month a way.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


first of all....i dont know if you're in australia/new zealand or not but you must be. it is thursday night here, currently 1130pm on thursday september 29th. no idea what you're talking about regarding it being friday night or what that has to do with anything.

im just sick of seeing your holier than thou, repetitive arguments on every single reply on every single post on these boards. i understand we're all fans but no, im sorry you mustn't have a life.


"Get a life"? Dave could be an extremely wealthy man, or perhaps a housebound invalid. This is his hobby, and enjoying a hobby doesn't make him a loser or allude to him having no other life than posting here. Taking time to b*tch about how often another user posts, says more about you than it does about those who have a little fun discussing things they're passionate about with others around globe.


See, I fail to understand your logic on this. If someone wants to just ignore a particular sequel in a film series doesn't exist TO THEM, how exactly is that affecting those that choose to accept is as canon? In what way is that person's choice to disavow a film cause anyone else any grief?? I tend to agree with you on most opinions expressed, but I think you need to dial it back a notch on this one. OP's opting to ignore this film as canon doesnt affect its existence for you or anyone else, and it definitely isn't going throw the planet into chaos.

Hopefully this comes off as respectfully as it is intended.



Dave's a good kid. They shouldn't be doing this too him.


True, but you can't pick and choose. I'd love to say Halloween II 2009 doesn't exist, but that's not reality. I don't like dealing in fantasy or ignorance, ignoring something. It happened. It would be a disservice to those who made it, put in the effort, and disrespectful to those who accept it to just put blinders on and say it doesn't exist. Halloween in Space, at one point, was a script, but it never made it to film, hence it doesn't exist. It was an idea. Halloween 3D, Halloween Returns, never got made, therefore it too doesn't exist. I'm okay with that.

I am of the mind that for their time, these movies served their purpose. 4 was made with the thought that JLC would never come back. She did. When H20 came out, they couldn't explain 4-6 away, but they still happened even if it's ignored in the movieverse. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, myself included, but I deal in facts, not theories, not wishful thinking and certainly not blind it didn't happen, doesn't exist. Do I wish they never made Crystal Skull? Yes. But they did and it counts. Do I wish they never did Episodes I-111? Yes. But again, they did and they count. Just because you don't like them doesn't negate their existence, and to some people, their likeabilty. It's a slippery slope. If the OP pretends this movie doesn't exist, then why be here? Or if the others don't exist, why are there message boards for them? See my point?

We all have different ways of thinking, but facts remain. Truth remains and ignoring it doesn't make it go away. But believe whatever you want. Up to you. It's just not reality.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN
