Reunion at Cukor's party.

I know this film is based on a novel, but did an actual Hollywood party (or event) occur in which James Whale was ever briefly reunited with Boris Karloff & Elsa Lanchester? And, if so, is there a photograph of the three of them together? Or was that fiction too?


Ian comes across as a charming English gentleman. A lot of Yanks are impressed by the accent and good manners. It seemed that he and Boone had a real friendship too.


The girl that plays Elsa was so convincing the first time I saw it I thought it was really her. That they'd gotten her to play herself. Which was of course was impossible because she was dead.


I agree. I was thinking they should have snagged her up right after that for a biopic on Elsa's life.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


Unfortunately, they never make a biopic about an actor/actress/director unless they committed a crime (or were accused of one), died of a horrible disease, or had an addiction to something. It does not seem to be enough to have simply had an interesting life, which is why I am still surprised that this film was actually made.

"Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!" -HOMER J.SIMPSON
