I'm glad this movie lost money

I feel dumber for having watched the entire thing. Had I seen it in a theater, I'd have walked out & asked for my money back.


I don't know how much dumber it could have made you.


I know I shouldn't laugh, but I am. :)



You killed Jesus!


He also voted for Hubert Humphrey. This poor fool just doesn't understand, does he? This movie is property of the world bank. That money goes to Italy!


Flew over your head huh?


I saw at a midnight showing and thought it was great.


It's made a ton of money in the years since it was released. Not sure if it's made its budget back or not.


You *beep* hooer! I'm a doctor of journalism man! What kind of rat bastard psychotic would rate this a one out of ten? There was evidence in this post of obsessive consumption of every terrible movie known to civilized man since 1900 AD!


I remember watching "No Country For Old Men" in Kalispell MT and when Josh Brolin's character got killed half of the theater walked out. I would bet you are part of that kind of viewer.

Also, why would you ask the theater for a refund? They did not make the movie, produce or advertise the movie(other than posters) that induced you to see the movie.


I vote with my dollars & hopefully that refund would have been passed on to whoever made the abomination.


I think you sould watch Adam Sandler's movies, my guess is that this is easier to understand for someone like you who seems to leak any good judgment when it comes to movies...


Well if you're more of a square or not a fan of hunter Thompson's work and the type to disapprove of shall we say a good time then yeah this movie isn't for you. It is more of a kind of movie for the fans. If you have no clue who hunter and Oscar were in real life then the movie means alot less than to people who are in the know.


Ah so you don't like good movies then. Okay.
